COUNT Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to COUNT for Excel and Google Sheets.


How to Count Unique Values in a Range with COUNTIF
To count the number of unique values in a range of cells in excel, we need to use a formula that is based on the COUNTIF as well as the SUMPRODUCT functions. This article provides an elaborate guide on how to go about counting the number of unique values in...
Count cells that end with
While working with Excel, we are able to count values in a data set based on a given criteria by using the COUNTIF function.  COUNTIF returns the number of values in a specified range based on a given condition.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel...
How to Count Cells with Over 100 Characters
We can use a formula that combines the SUMPRODUCT, N and LEN functions to count cells with over 100 characters. The steps below will walk through the simple process. Figure 1: Resulting showing that only one cell has characters over 100 General Formula =SUMPRODUCT(N(LEN(array)>100)) Formula =SUMPRODUCT(N(LEN(A4:A6)>100)) Setting up the Data...
Count sold and remaining
Excel allows a user to count sold and remaining products, by using the COUNTA function. This can be useful for inventory purposes. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in counting sold and remaining. Figure 1. The result of the function Syntax of the COUNTA...
How to Count Cells Not Equal to Many Things
We can count cells not equal to many things with a combined formula that utilizes the COUNTIF, SUMPRODUCT, and COUNTA functions. This is useful to decipher cells that do not belong to the same category. The steps below will guide all levels of excel users to count cells not equal...
How to Count Cells that Contain Errors
We can Count Cells that Contain Errors in a range with a formula that combines the SUMPRODUCT and ISERROR functions. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: How to Count Cells that Contain Errors General Formula: =SUMPRODUCT(ISERROR(range)*1) Formula =SUMPRODUCT(ISERROR(B4:B11)*1) Setting up the Data We will set up...
Learn How to Count Matches Between Two Columns in Excel
Excel allows a user to compare two columns by using the SUMPRODUCT function. As a result, we get a number of matches between two columns. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in counting matches between two columns. Figure 1. The result of the SUMPRODUCT...
How to do Summary Count with COUNTIF Function
We can use the COUNTIF function to count cells within a range that meet a criteria. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: How to do Summary Count with COUNTIF Function Syntax =COUNTIF(RANGE,CRITERIA) RANGE is the “named range” of items we want a summary count for CRITERIA...
How to Count Cells that Contain Text
We can use the COUNTIF Function to count cells that contain text (not errors, not blanks, not numbers). COUNTIF is used with a wildcard ("*") that matches any number of characters. The COUNTIFS function can be used to count cells without text. The steps below will walk through the process....
Count cells that are not blank
Excel allows a user to count all cells that contain any value, by using the COUNTA function.  The function takes in count texts, numbers, spaces, results of other function, etc. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in counting non-blank cells in a range. Figure...
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