COUNT Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to COUNT for Excel and Google Sheets.


Count if row meets multiple internal criteria
Excel allows a user to count rows if multiple criteria are met by using the SUMPRODUCT function. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in counting rows that meet multiple criteria. Figure 1. The result of the SUMPRODUCT function Syntax of the SUMPRODUCT Formula The...
Summary Count with Percentage Breakdown
While working with Excel, we are able to obtain the count per specified criteria and present the breakdown in percentage form by using the COUNTIF and COUNTA functions.  COUNTIF returns the number of values in a specified range based on a given condition while COUNTA returns the number of non-empty...
Count cells that contain numbers
There are simple ways to count cells containing numbers in Excel. We can do it using the COUNT function. It allows us to calculate numeric data regardless of the quantity of data on the spreadsheet. In this tutorial, we will learn how to count cells that contain numbers. Figure 1:...
How to count long numbers without COUNTIF
We may want to count numbers that are greater than 15 digits. Note that Excel will return an erroneous result if we try to compute long digits with COUNTIF. This article provides a step by step guide on how to count long numbers without COUNTIF. Formula SUMPRODUCT(--(A:A=A1) or {SUM(--(A:A=A1))} Explanation...
How to Count Cells That Contain Odd Numbers in Excel
Want to learn more about how to count cells that contain odd numbers using an Excel formula? This post will give you an overview of how to use the SUMPRODUCT formula to count those cells that contain odd numbers. Syntax(Generic Formula) to Count Cells Using Odd Numbers =SUMPRODUCT(--((MOD(Range,2)=1))) The MOD...
Count Cells Between Two Numbers
While working with Excel, we are able to count cells between two numbers by using the COUNTIFS function. The COUNTIFS function counts the number of cells that meet one or more criteria.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in counting cells between two numbers....
Count numbers by range with COUNTIFS
While working with Excel, we are able to determine the number of values that fall within a specified range by using the COUNTIFS function. The COUNTIFS function counts the number of cells that meet one or more criteria.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users...
Learn How to Count Occurrences in an Entire Workbook
We can count occurrences for the number of times a particular value (number, text, date, etc.) occurs across several worksheets in an excel workbook. We can do this by applying the COUNTIF, INDIRECT and SUMPRODUCT functions. We will walk through counting all occurrences in a workbook. Figure 1: Number of...
Count Items in a List
If we want to know the count of values that appear in a list or table, we can utilize the COUNTIFS function. This article will guide you on how to use the COUNTIFS function to quickly count items in a list. Figure 1. Final result Syntax of the formula =COUNTIFS...
Count Rows That Contain Specific Text in Excel
We can use an array formula to count the number of rows that contain particular values while working with excel spreadsheets. This article will provide a clear guide on how you can easily know the number of rows that have particular value. Read on to find out how to count...
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