CONDITIONAL FORMATTING Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to CONDITIONAL FORMATTING for Excel and Google Sheets.


How to Use Conditional Formatting Dates in Excel
Conditional formatting in Excel can be used to format dates based on whether certain criteria are met. We can use a variety of formatting options, including color. Setting up the Data In the example below, if a particular date is past 60 days from the current date, we will color...
How to Use Excel’s SUMPRODUCT Function
If you need to multiply some corresponding components in a given array and desire to return the sum of the resulting products, then follow these quick basic steps using the SUMPRODUCT function in Excel. Excel SUMPRODUCT function The formula in use here is: =SUMPRODUCT( array1, [array2], [array3], ... [array_n] )...
How to Normalize Text in Excel
Excel offers some efficient ways to normalize text. As the name suggests, text normalization refers to simplifying the text. To perform text normalization, Excel offers functions like TRIM, LOWER, and SUBSTITUTE. In this tutorial, you will learn how to normalize text in Excel. How to Perform Text Normalization in Excel...
How to Find the Most Frequently Occurring Text in Excel
You can count the most frequently occurring text in Excel. You can search for the most frequently occurring text using a combination of the INDEX, MODE and MATCH functions. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use these functions to find the most frequently occurring text in Excel. How to...
How to Highlight Approximate Match Lookup Using Conditional Formatting
If you need to highlight rows and columns with an approximate match in Excel, then this article will help you in developing an understanding of this. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to explain how to highlight the match lookup using the conditional formatting tool.  Highlight approximate match lookup...
Conditional formatting based on another cell
Figure 1. Conditional formatting based on another cell The general formula =A1>=$J$1 This formula is used to execute conditional formatting using the value specified in a different cell, a rule can be created using the simple formula. The screenshot above shows the formula employed when using conditional formatting on the array...
Find duplicate values in two columns
Working with big amount of data often requires us to identify duplicate values.Microsoft Excel has made finding duplicates very easy. We can combine the COUNTIF and AND functions to find duplicates between columns. In this tutorial, we will learn how to find duplicate values in two columns in Excel. Figure...
How to Highlight Duplicate Columns in Excel using a Formula
Working on a large database can often create confusions. It is not uncommon to create duplicate columns by mistake. Excel offers a great fix to diagnose if there are identical columns. We can do this by highlighting duplicate columns. We use the SUMPRODUCT function along with conditional formatting to do...
Highlight duplicate values
Excel has some very effective ways to deal with duplicate values. Highlighting duplicates is one such feature. We can easily highlight duplicate values using conditional formatting and the COUNTIF function. In this tutorial, we will learn how to highlight duplicate values in Excel. Figure 1. Example of How to Highlight...
Highlight dates between
We can apply conditional formatting to cells containing dates to highlight dates between two dates. Using the AND function in conditional formatting custom formula rule, each date in selected cells is evaluated against two given dates and all those cells are highlighted where dates fall between given dates. This article...
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