AVERAGE Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to AVERAGE for Excel and Google Sheets.


How to Calculate the Weighted Average in Excel
When we want to calculate the average of a set of values with different levels of relevance, we compute for the weighted average.  Excel allows us to calculate the weighted average using the SUMPRODUCT and SUM functions.   Figure 1. Final result: Calculate the weighted average Final formula: =SUMPRODUCT(C3:C7,D3:D7)/SUM(D3:D7) Syntax...
How to Calculate the Average Top 3 Scores in Excel
The average of the top 3 scores in any data set can be calculated by using the AVERAGE and LARGE functions in Excel. This tutorial will walk through the process. Figure 1.  Calculating the average top 3 scores in Excel Formula: =AVERAGE(LARGE(C3:G3,{1,2,3})) Setting up the Data Below table shows the...
How to Calculate Average in Excel
If you want to learn how to calculate the average in Excel, AVERAGE and AVERAGEA functions are the answer. The main focus of the article will be on AVERAGE function and difference between AVEREGEA with detailed examples. Some advanced techniques will be also covered including AVERAGEIF and AVERAGEIFS functions. After...
How to Calculate an Average Without Zeros or Blank Cells
Excel has special functions to calculate the average of the number in a range of cells and also calculate the average of cells based on specified criteria, like AVERAGE and AVERAGEIF functions. But there are situations where cells in a range are Blank or may contain zeros, so it may affect...
How to Calculate a Rolling Average in Excel
While analyzing data in Excel, you might need to calculate averages of different subsets of a specified data range to get the variations or fluctuations in the data. If you want to forecast the trend in data, this is referred to as a moving average, rolling average, running average, or moving mean. Finding the...
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