AVERAGE Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to AVERAGE for Excel and Google Sheets.


Here’s a Guide on Finding the Moving Average in Excel
We can use the AVERAGE function to FIND THE MOVING AVERAGE OF A DATA. Calculation of moving averages is useful for financial forecasting. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1- Using Moving Average for Forecasting Sales for Month 8 and 9 Syntax =AVERAGE(RANGE) RANGE refers to the...
Learn How to Use the AVERAGEIFS Function in Excel
We can use the AVERAGEIFS function to calculate the average of numbers in a range that meet more than one criteria. Logical operators like >, <, <>, = and wildcards (*,?) for partial matching are supported by the criteria of AVERAGEIFS. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure...
Discover How to Calculate the Median in Excel
We can use the MEDIAN function to return the middle number in a range. If the total numbers in the range are odd, the middle number is taken as the median. If the total numbers in the range are even, the average of the two middle numbers is taken as...
Learn How to Calculate the Weighted Average in Excel
We can use a formula that combines the SUMPRODUCT function and the SUM function to calculate the weighted average of a set of values in a range. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1- Final result of the Weighted Average General Formula =SUMPRODUCT(values,weights)/SUM(weights) Values: These are the...
Here is How You can Calculate the Mean in Excel
We can use the AVERAGE function to calculate the mean of numbers in a range. The AVERAGE Function can treat up to 255 different arguments. These arguments include numbers, cell references, ranges, arrays, and constants. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1- Final result of the AVERAGE...
How to Use the AVERAGEIF Function in Excel
We can use the AVERAGEIF function to calculate the average of numbers in a range that meet the specified criteria. Logical operators like >, <, <>, = and wildcards (*,?) for partial matching are supported by the criteria of AVERAGEIF. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1-...
Average last 5 values in columns
You can use AVERAGE, OFFSET, and COUNT functions to average last 5 values in columns. Generic Formula =AVERAGE(OFFSET(first_cell,COUNT(range)-5,0,5)) Range: Required. The range that you want to take 5 last values from it First_cell: Required. The first cell of the range The OFFSET function is used here to return an array...
Average number
Excel offers some great features to work with numbers. Averaging numbers is one such task. The AVERAGE function can average numbers, taking up to 255 arguments individually. This allows it to work on large databases. In this tutorial, we will learn how to average numbers in Excel. Figure 1. Example...
Average and ignore errors
We can use the AVERAGEIF or AGGREGATE function to find the average of a list of values while ignoring any errors that might exist in the data. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1- Final result of the AVERAGEIF function General Formula =AVERAGEIF(values, “>=0”) Formula =AVERAGEIF(B5:B14, “>=0”)...
How to Calculate the Average Response Time Per Month in Excel
Figure 1. of Average Response Time Per Month in Excel. In order to determine Average Response Time per Month, we are going to use the AVERAGEIFS Function. This tutorial will step through the process of calculating the average response time within a month. Generic Formula =AVERAGEIFS(durations,dates,">="&A1,dates,"<="&EOMONTH(A1)) How to Use the...
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