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How to Insert Excel Spreadsheet into Powerpoint – Excelchat

In powerpoint presentation, if we need to show the data in the spreadsheet then we need to close or minimize our powerpoint and switch to the spreadsheet. But we can insert excel data into powerpoint to show spreadsheet without exiting powerpoint presentation.

Figure 1. Inserting Excel File Into Powerpoint

How to Insert An Excel Spreadsheet Into Powerpoint

When we have the visual representation of a data set in PowerPoint slide and we want to show the data sheet or data table to our audience then we need to switch to the spreadsheet from PowerPoint. We can quickly embed file in powerpoint to switch to the sheet without exiting powerpoint. Suppose we have a PowerPoint presentation of the Data Analytics report with graphs and keynotes and we want to insert the file into a PowerPoint slide to have a quick view of the data sheet.

Figure 2. Excel Spreadsheet to Insert Into Powerpoint

We can achieve this by pasting Excel into powerpoint in the following steps;

  • Insert a new slide with the Blank layout into PowerPoint presentation. Right-Click on the existing slide on the left side of the panel and select New Slide option

Figure 3. Inserting New Slide Into Powerpoint

  • Go to the Excel spreadsheet and copy the data set by pressing Ctrl + C keys.

Figure 4. Selecting The Excel Sheet

  • Go to PowerPoint, Right-Click inside the Blank Slide and select Embed option (3rd from the left) from Paste Special menu

Figure 5. Pasting Excel Into PowerPoint Slide

  • Alternately, click inside the Blank slide, click on Insert tab, go to the Text group and select the Object element.

Figure 6. Inserting Object Into PowerPoint Slide

  • From Insert Object dialog, select the Create from file option, click on the Browse button to locate the Excel file on our computer and then press the OK button.

Figure 7. Browse and Insert Excel File

  • Excel file inserts into PowerPoint as Embedded image. Click on it and adjust its size on the slide.

Figure 8. Embedded Image Into Slide

  • When we double click on the Embedded image, it takes us to the spreadsheet while we are in PowerPoint. We can directly make changes in the Excel file data while remaining in PowerPoint.

Figure 9. Insert Excel Spreadsheet Into Powerpoint

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