To have a good health, you need to stick to a healthy choice of the meals you take. For you to have breakfast, lunch and dinner and still have your snacks in between, you need to plan. With Excel meal planner, you can be sure to eat healthy and on time. This post looks at how one can make a monthly meal planner template in Excel.
Figure 1: Meal Planner template
For us to be able to make a meal planner spreadsheet template, we need to create two sheets. We shall have to create the following named ranges on the second sheet;
Figure 2: Range address
After having the range address as shown in figure 2 above, we now need to have the meals as shown in figure 3 blow;
Figure 3: Meals
It is instructive to note that we can add 7 more meals without having to change the range address.
Now move to the first sheet and click on cell C4. After that, click on Data Validation in the Data tools under data tab in the ribbon. This will enable the Data Validation dialog box to appear. In the Data Validation dialog box, type =Breakfast in the Source box.
Figure 4: Data Validation dialog box
Now notice that what we have created is simply a Breakfast meal planner. To create monthly meal planner for Lunch and Dinner, we need to repeat the process above but instead of using breakfast as reference, we shall have to use Lunch and Dinner as reference.
Again, we need to remember that what we have created is a weekly meal planner, from Monday to Sunday. We can have a month meal planner template by simply recreating the weekly meal plan template four times.
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