We may need to return a full sentence or text string combining date and text value(s) from several columns into one cell in Excel as per our desired format. If we join date and text value directly in Excel, the date is displayed as a serial number and not as a date format. To join date and text value without affecting the date format or as per custom format we need to use the Excel TEXT function.
Figure 1. Joining Date and Text Value in a Cell
Formula Syntax
The syntax for the formula to join date and text value in one cell is;
=Text_value&" "&TEXT(date,"format")
- Text_value – It is a cell reference containing text value or text string.
- Date – It is a cell reference of date value to join with the text string
- Format – It is the date format in which the date value needs to return.
- & – It is concatenating operator (Ampersand) to join date and Text value along with empty string (” “).
Figure 2. The Formula Syntax to Joining Date and Text Value
In the table, column B contains text values and column C contains date values. We want to join the date value as per date format “mm/dd/yyyy” with the text value, having a space character between two values, in column E. The formula to join date and text value in cell E2 would be;
=B2&" "&TEXT(C2,"mm/dd/yyyy")
Copy this formula to other cells in column E.
Figure 3. The Final Result of the Formula
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