If we want to know the count of values that appear in a list or table, we can utilize the COUNTIFS function. This article will guide you on how to use the COUNTIFS function to quickly count items in a list.
Figure 1. Final result
Syntax of the formula
=COUNTIFS (A:A, A1, B:B, B1)
How the formula works
- COUNTIFS function works with a pair of range/criteria
- If the all the given criteria match, then the function will give the count of all values in the given range.
- The range is entered as a full column reference.
In the example above, we have two column reference, B:B and C:C. the criteria is as shown in cell C2, i.e. =COUNTIFS(A:A,A5,B:B,B5)
These two pair of column reference will appear in the COUNTIFS function, and will thus link the values of column B and C. The COUNTIFS will then generate the count of the values in both column references based on the supplied criteria.
Figure 2. Setting up data
In the example above, we want to count the number of items in the excel sheet. Here is a step by step guide on how we got the counts in column C:
Step 1: prepare the data you want to work on
Step 2: Mark column C as “Count”, as that is where we shall have our counts
Step 3: In cell C2, specify the formula, =COUNTIFS (A:A,A7,B:B,B7)
Figure 3. Input formula
Step 4: Press Enter to get the count of the first row.
Step 5: Copy down the formula to get the counts for the other rows
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