We can use A SHORTCUT (CTRL+SHIFT+{) to select all cells that came before a designated cell in Excel. This is also called “selecting all precedents” of that cell. This shortcut highlights all cells directly or indirectly related to the formula of the designated cell. The steps below will walk through the process.
Figure 1: How to Select All Precedents
Shortcut Formula
Windows: CTRL+SHIFT+{
MAC Shortcut: ⌃+⇧+{
Setting up the Data
- The spreadsheet in figure 2 will be used. This sheet contains data for days in a month obtained with EOMONTH and DAY functions.
Figure 2: Setting up the Data
Select All Precedents
- We will click on Cell C5
- We will press the shortcut
Figure 3: How to Select All Precedents
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