Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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Hello I want to write an IF formula on excel to say: If cell A4 has no USD, then multiply cell C4 by cell D4 Thanks
Solved by E. Y. in 20 mins
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User 15/08/2017 - 06:25
No that's all thank you
User 15/08/2017 - 06:25
I would like to calculate the notional
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:25
Hi, Thank you for using Got It Pro.
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:25
I’m happy to be able to help you today.
User 15/08/2017 - 06:26
Thanks for your offer to help :-)
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:26
ok so if no USD is found then C4 is multiplied by D4
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:26
if it is found though what should it do?
User 15/08/2017 - 06:26
User 15/08/2017 - 06:27
Actually it's a long formula where this is part of it
User 15/08/2017 - 06:27
I can copy out the long formula for you
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:27
Entering Explanation Phase
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:27
no need
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:27
I worked around it
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:28
Please check E2 and test it by changing A2
User 15/08/2017 - 06:29
Can I stick your new formula into my long formula to complete the picture where there are 3 scenarios
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:29
Entering Discussion Phase
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:29
please paste your formula in the sheet
User 15/08/2017 - 06:31
The Error part of the formula is where I plan to stick your new formula in so as to complete the picture
User 15/08/2017 - 06:32
Sorry have I confused you
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:33
no worries
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:33
I got it
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:35
try it now
User 15/08/2017 - 06:37
can you put it in the bottom EUR/GBP row?
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:37
how is it going?
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:37
I did
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:37
the thing is you don't have a value in D8
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:38
it's a text
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:38
so it will return an error
User 15/08/2017 - 06:38
sorry it should be D * F
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:38
D is not a value
User 15/08/2017 - 06:39
sorry C * F
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:39
User 15/08/2017 - 06:39
oh cool
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:40
Is there anything else I can help you with regarding this matter?
User 15/08/2017 - 06:40
Just so i understand: there are 3 scenarios and therefore 3 IFs statements with 3 formulas for each scenario?
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:40
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:41
Is there anything else I can help you with regarding this matter?
User 15/08/2017 - 06:41
thanks, how can I save this sheet down?
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:41
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:42
open this link
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:42
then file download as
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:42
excel spreadsheet
User 15/08/2017 - 06:42
thanks for your help :)
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:42
My pleasure
Excelchat Expert 15/08/2017 - 06:43
Have a great day
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