Excel - Help on VLOOKUP Problem - Expert Solution

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VLOOKUP help. Trying to input data from database into new table
Solved by S. Q. in 40 mins
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User 27/09/2018 - 12:55
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 12:55
Hi, welcome to Got it Pro-Excel!
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 12:55
According to my diagnosis, you need help with VLOOKUP, is that correct?
User 27/09/2018 - 12:55
Im looking to input data from a database into an excel sheet based on common items
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 12:56
Before we get started, this is a reminder that our policy is 1 problem per session with additional Q&A on that problem as time allows. We also currently do not support VBA/Macro solutions.
User 27/09/2018 - 12:56
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 12:56
Let me ask you a couple of quick questions to make sure I fully understand your problem.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 12:56
When you say database, do you mean a database outside Excel application?
User 27/09/2018 - 12:56
no, my own databse ive created in excel
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 12:56
Oh ok, that's clear.
User 27/09/2018 - 12:57
this is the sheet id like to input information into
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 12:57
Give me a moment to review your file.
User 27/09/2018 - 12:57
heres my database
User 27/09/2018 - 12:57
give me a second
User 27/09/2018 - 12:57
[Uploaded an Excel file]
User 27/09/2018 - 12:58
This is the database that id like to extract information from
User 27/09/2018 - 12:58
Now.... what i need to do is input the cost of an item into the new sheet based on the pricing i have in the database for each specific item
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 12:59
Ok, give me a moment to review your files.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:01
Please correct me if I'm wrong - You want the prices from the Pricing Database to be pulled into the 30 East Water St file, is that correct?
User 27/09/2018 - 01:01
User 27/09/2018 - 01:01
into cells in Row D
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:02
So I'll replace your data in Column D at the moment?
User 27/09/2018 - 01:02
including what i already have in there
User 27/09/2018 - 01:02
if u scroll down, ive input about 100 items manually
User 27/09/2018 - 01:03
in Column D
User 27/09/2018 - 01:03
row 108
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:04
of the 30 East Water St?
User 27/09/2018 - 01:04
User 27/09/2018 - 01:05
From D 108 Down, i need to input the price according to my database
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:05
Ok, I've checked 3 random items in here and none of them matches any items in your database.
User 27/09/2018 - 01:05
yes, its a working database
User 27/09/2018 - 01:06
id like to highlight ALL items, and IF they match in both sheets, then to pull the price
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:06
Oh ok. That makes sense.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:07
Based on what you’ve shared, you need a vlookup formula to be applied in Column D of 30 East Water St file and when it matches an item from the database, pull the price and highlight the item, do you believe that will address your problem?
User 27/09/2018 - 01:07
yes, but i dont need to highlight the item
User 27/09/2018 - 01:07
just to pull the price
User 27/09/2018 - 01:08
need to know soon
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:08
Oh ok ok,
User 27/09/2018 - 01:08
the items highlighted are just duplicates in conditional formatting
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:08
I’m going to apply the vlookup formula for you. This should take me a couple of minutes to finish.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:09
Just to confirm - I'm starting from row 108 up to the last cell?
User 27/09/2018 - 01:09
*DOWN to the last cell
User 27/09/2018 - 01:09
this isnt that difficult...
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:09
Yes, sorry for that mistake.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:09
Yes, I just wanted to confirm.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:12
Here's your file.
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:13
VLOOKUP formula was applied to row 108 down to the last cell before the total.
User 27/09/2018 - 01:14
the file wont open?
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:14
Can you provide more information on why it won't open?
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:15
Would you like to apply the formula from your end if I walk you through it?
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:16
Also, since the vlookup is referencing a table from a separate file, There might be issues with the table reference.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:17
Hi, are you still there?
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:18
I believe you got disconnected from our chat.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:19
You can use this formula on Cell D108 of 30 East Water St
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:19
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C108,'[Pricing Database.xlsx]Sheet1'!$C:$D,2,0),"")
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:20
Make sure you have your pricing database file open as well.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:20
That should answer your question.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:20
To explain how VLOOKUP formula works so you can do it by yourself moving forward.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:21
VLOOKUP is an Excel function to lookup and retrieve data from a specific column in table.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:21
The "V" stands for "vertical". Lookup values must appear in the first column of the table, with lookup columns to the right.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:22
How it works: Lookup a value in a table by matching on the first column.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:23
This is the syntax of VLOOKUP
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:23
=VLOOKUP (value, table, col_index, [range_lookup])
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:23
value - The value to look for in the first column of a table.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:23
table - The table from which to retrieve a value.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:23
col_index - The column in the table from which to retrieve a value.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:23
range_lookup - [optional] TRUE = approximate match (default). FALSE = exact match.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:24
To walk you through your actual formula.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:24
VLOOKUP(C108,'[Pricing Database.xlsx]Sheet1'!$C:$D,2,0)
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:24
I'll use our shared sheet for visual.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:26
If you'll look at column H in our shared sheet.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:26
It's a breakdown of the formula that I used in your file.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:27
The value that the function will be looking for is cell C108 of your 30 East Water St file.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:28
And since your item name and price of your Pricing Database file is in column C and D that will be your table to lookup from.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:28
Remember, the value that you're looking for must be in the first column of the table. Otherwise, vlookup won't work.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:29
col_index is the number of column from the first column of your table.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:30
Since your table is Columns C:D of Pricing Database file and you want to return the price which is placed in Column D of the Pricing Database file - it will be the 2nd column.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:30
C=1, D=2.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:30
Last will be the range_lookup.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:31
This is optional but by default it's set as TRUE - and you don't want that. We'll always need FALSE which should lookup the exact match.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:31
range_lookup only accepts TRUE or FALSE but since 0 is also equals to FALSE and 1 is equal to TRUE. We can also use 1 and 0.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:32
I believe that should assist you when you read this chat from your history.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:32
It's unfortunate that you got disconnected.
Excelchat Expert 27/09/2018 - 01:32
I'd like to wish you have a very nice day ahead of you and we'd love to hear from you again. Thank you for using Got it Pro-Excel!

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