Excel - How to Use Conditional Formatting With IF Statement - Expert Solution

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I have a file in which I need to somehow use a conditional formatting for the same names of the data available, or if there is any other way to calculate the frequency of one particular name appearing.
Solved by K. F. in 51 mins
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Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:37
Hello! How are you?
User 12/09/2018 - 07:38
Hello, fine thanks. How about you?
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:38
Is it possible to share a sample of your data on the document preview or even better, share the whole file as an attachment to the chat?
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:38
I'm good. Thanks for asking ;)
User 12/09/2018 - 07:38
Yes, I will share a sample here and if needed explain better what I need
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:39
Nice. Thanks
User 12/09/2018 - 07:40
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:41
Downloading. Thanks
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:42
Alright. I copied the data on the document preview on the right. :)
User 12/09/2018 - 07:42
So, as u can see, there are somehow 4 tables
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:42
User 12/09/2018 - 07:42
not formatted as tables but
User 12/09/2018 - 07:42
and there are names that are similar within those tables
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:42
User 12/09/2018 - 07:43
and I would like to either for example format them by colors
User 12/09/2018 - 07:43
will be back
User 12/09/2018 - 07:43
in 5
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:43
So each name gets a different colors?
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:43
Sure. No worries.
User 12/09/2018 - 07:48
here I am sorry
User 12/09/2018 - 07:49
No I meant, in those 4 tables
User 12/09/2018 - 07:49
if there is one name that appears in all of them
User 12/09/2018 - 07:49
to give it the same color
User 12/09/2018 - 07:49
or idk some other way that would make it easier for me to track the same name appearing in all lists
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:50
Okay. So the goal is to identify names which recurs in all of the 4 tables.
User 12/09/2018 - 07:50
doesnt necesssarily have to be in 4 tables
User 12/09/2018 - 07:50
but to appear more than in 1 table more or less
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:50
I'm sorry - to appear more than in 1 table more or less < this got me a bit confused?
User 12/09/2018 - 07:51
exclude that more or less
User 12/09/2018 - 07:51
i meant more or less this is what i am asking
User 12/09/2018 - 07:51
to somehow keep track of the name that appears more than in one table
User 12/09/2018 - 07:51
sorry for the confusion
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:51
Okay, gotcha.
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:52
We may need more time so I'd like to kindly request for extension later on. We're allowed to extend the session up to 60 mins for free before it automatically ends ;)
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:52
User 12/09/2018 - 07:52
I think I can do even more if needed because I have a subscription here so no worries
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:53
I see. But please be reminded that regardless of the subscription, the session can only last up to 60 mins max. :)
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:54
I'll be working on a solution locally in excel now and get back to you with updates from time to time. Appreciate your patience.
User 12/09/2018 - 07:54
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:56
Please see attached
[Uploaded an Excel file]
User 12/09/2018 - 07:57
so what did u exactly do? I was thinking something more advanced, like different colors for different names, but then same color for the same name across different tables
User 12/09/2018 - 07:57
if you know what I m ean
User 12/09/2018 - 07:57
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:59
Oh, that would be tough using conditional formatting. As you can see you will to create the same number of conditional formatting rules with the same count of the recurring Consigness in column B.
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 07:59
I can suggest something else. Like for example a column to tag recurring names with different assigned values.
User 12/09/2018 - 08:00
well, please go ahead and show me how. that would be nice
User 12/09/2018 - 08:00
I just said formatting because did not have any other ideas in mind
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:00
One moment. :)
User 12/09/2018 - 08:00
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:00
I'll be back
User 12/09/2018 - 08:00
take your time
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:06
Hi! Please see attached
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:06
Will your data exceed 999 rows?
User 12/09/2018 - 08:07
not at the moment
User 12/09/2018 - 08:07
User 12/09/2018 - 08:07
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:07
Okay, because you can notice in the formula in column G
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:07
there is a part which says TEXT(....,"000")
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:08
That means configures the ID to look like C_001 - C_999
User 12/09/2018 - 08:09
User 12/09/2018 - 08:09
but I am not really sure how this is going to help see faster if for example C_004 is recurring in next tables?
User 12/09/2018 - 08:09
maybe I am not getting it, if you could elaborate
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:09
So if you use filter function, you can then filter out one specific ID generated by the formula to show the Consignee with the same ID from the different tables
User 12/09/2018 - 08:10
User 12/09/2018 - 08:10
the ID
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:10
User 12/09/2018 - 08:10
any specific reason u chose that kind of numbering
User 12/09/2018 - 08:10
or naming..
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:11
No particular reason. C is for consignee
User 12/09/2018 - 08:12
okay, I like the idea, I am just thinking if it would be more of help for me to use some other way to name them
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:12
Do you want me to add another column so you are able to identify from which table the consignee originated from?
User 12/09/2018 - 08:13
that would be great too
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:13
Okay, one moment.
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:15
Please see attached
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:15
In this file, I filtered out C_004
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:16
And as you could see in column H, it identifies from which table the data can be found.
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:16
You can simple clear filter in column G to show all your data.
User 12/09/2018 - 08:16
Yes it is very nice thanks. Can you explain the formula u used to me a bit
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:17
Sure so in column G:
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:17
cell G4 =IF(COUNTIF($B:$B,B4)>1,"C_"&TEXT(MATCH(B4,$B:$B,0),"000"),"")
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:18
So it is saying that if cell B4 (which has a value of ASCUTEC) recurs more than once (COUNTIF>1) in column B, then return the ID. Otherwise return blank or ""
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:19
The formula for the ID TEXT(MATCH(B4,$B:$B,0),"000")
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:19
MATCH returns the numerical position of the first instance of B4 (ASCUTEC) in your column ($B:$B)
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:20
So in this case ASCUTEC first occurs in row number 4. Then TEXT(4,"000") will transform this into 004.
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:20
So you can imaginge "C_"&"004" = C_004
User 12/09/2018 - 08:21
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:21
Alright moving on the next column
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:21
cell H4 = =IF(A3<>"",A3,IF(B4<>"",H3,""))
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:21
This means that if cell A3 is not blank, then return the value of cell A3 (which is RF 4)
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:24
Now for more clarity on the other parts of the nested IF statement, let move to cell H5
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:24
H5 = IF(A4<>"",A4,IF(B5<>"",H4,""))
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:25
As you can see, A4 is blank. This means we move on to the next IF statement which is IF(B5M<>"",H4,"")
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:25
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:27
This means that if the value in column B is a non-blank cell, then we pick return the value in cell above H5, which is H4.
User 12/09/2018 - 08:27
User 12/09/2018 - 08:27
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:27
Sure! You're welcome :)
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:27
Do you have any more clarification?
User 12/09/2018 - 08:27
no, I think we are clear, thanks :)
User 12/09/2018 - 08:27
have a good day
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:28
You may end the session now by clicking END SESSION button on the upper right corner of the workstation
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:28
Appreciate if you could leave feedback and rating afterwards
User 12/09/2018 - 08:28
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:28
Thanks and have a great day too!
Excelchat Expert 12/09/2018 - 08:28

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