Excel - LOOKUP Function Problem - Expert Solution

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I need to analyse data and not always return the 1st instance of a lookup. Eg. I have an account number, ID number and a domain name There are instances where the same account and ID numbers on a row have a different domain name. My use so far always defaults to give me the 1st instance of that combination, but I need to return all domain names, either in one cell or separate cells Is this possible ?
Solved by Z. L. in 15 mins
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Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:34
Hello, Welcome to Got it Pro.
User 31/08/2018 - 04:34
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:34
Can you send me the sheet or add the sample data at the right side of the screen
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:34
so that I can help you better
User 31/08/2018 - 04:35
let me pull a sample - bare with me
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:35
User 31/08/2018 - 04:38
Acc ID Domain A001 123ABC abc.com A002 234DEF def.com A003 345EFG efg.com A004 456FGH fgh.com A005 567GHI ghi.com A006 678HIJ hij.com A007 789IJK ijk.com A001 123ABC 123.com A002 234DEF 234.com
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:39
please paste at the right side of the screen.
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:39
in chat box formatting doesnt support
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:39
Can you see the sheet at the right side of this screen?
User 31/08/2018 - 04:39
so if I use lookups and rules for A001 & 123ABC - I always get back abc.com - but need to also know that 123.com is in the same account
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:40
Please paste the data at the right side of the screen and then explain.
User 31/08/2018 - 04:40
i can see the sheet yes
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:40
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:41
ok, got your problem
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:44
Can you see?
User 31/08/2018 - 04:45
in A - how do you get Excel to add a count to the account number ?
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:45
=B2&" "&COUNTIF($B$2:B2,B2)
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:45
I added one etc column before the table
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:45
and used this formula and it will give a number after the account
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:46
so if you have 2 or 3 or 4 same values also
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:46
it will add a number after that
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:46
I have highlighted the same values with yellow color
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:47
and then you can use the vlookup
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:47
Did it solve your query?
User 31/08/2018 - 04:48
so to be clear its adding a number to the acc no which then makes it unique to lookup against ?
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:48
right, that was the logic
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:48
because excel looks up the unique value
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:48
so we have to create the unique values
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:49
Is there anything else I can help you with?
User 31/08/2018 - 04:49
ok i think i follow thanks
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:49
Please end the session and provide a 5 star rating. I will also provide a 5 star rating for you so that you get the best expert next time.
Excelchat Expert 31/08/2018 - 04:49
Thanks for using Got it Pro. Looking forward to help you further. Appreciate it :)

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