Excel - COLUMN Function Problem - Expert Solution

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I need to create a formula that fills finds the Sheet (col A) and then the Component (col B) and then adds the value I put in Col H into a cell in the corresponding cell of column of the found sheet.
Solved by Z. S. in 60 mins
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Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:04
Hi welcome!
User 22/08/2018 - 06:04
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:04
Do you have a sheet to upload?
User 22/08/2018 - 06:05
[Uploaded an Excel file]
User 22/08/2018 - 06:06
allow me to recap what i need
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:06
Ok, I have sheet open
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:06
Yes, pelase
User 22/08/2018 - 06:06
its a little different than what i stated in the initial question.
User 22/08/2018 - 06:09
i need to look for be able to enter a value in COL A of the LOOKUP TAB and the formula search for the value in COL B and update a cell in COL I where that value was found
User 22/08/2018 - 06:09
User 22/08/2018 - 06:09
starting in the lookup tab sheet
User 22/08/2018 - 06:10
we see row 2
User 22/08/2018 - 06:10
User 22/08/2018 - 06:10
component "595-607"
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:10
Yes the first 15382100
User 22/08/2018 - 06:11
i want column h to search for column b and when it finds the value in other sheets... it will update the price (column I )
User 22/08/2018 - 06:11
with what i placed in column H
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:12
So you put a price in COLUMN H and lookup col B?
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:13
Or you put a component in col H?
User 22/08/2018 - 06:13
first one
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:13
Also col I is hidden?
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:13
Ok, a price in COL H, in the LOOKUP sheet
User 22/08/2018 - 06:14
i put a price in column H and it looks in other sheets for the VALUE in COL B and replaces prices in other sheets in COL I when that component is found
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:14
Which other sheets?
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:15
the sheet listed in COL A?
User 22/08/2018 - 06:15
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:16
There are 3 cost columns in sheets
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:16
which one?
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:18
Also, are lookups exact or near. Near will find closest rate
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:20
?? where is the cost in the sheets? H3? or under current total?
User 22/08/2018 - 06:20
one moment
User 22/08/2018 - 06:20
lookups are exact
User 22/08/2018 - 06:21
price in column I
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:22
Col I , is same as K3?
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:22
Or is that just for ALUM?
User 22/08/2018 - 06:24
youre right
User 22/08/2018 - 06:24
User 22/08/2018 - 06:24
lets use col H instead
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:24
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:25
So let me restate the problem statement
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:25
LOOKUP table- enter price in H
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:26
For the TAB = COL A, find the price for component COL B
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:27
That price (the formula) goes in col I of the LOOKUP table (currently hiidden)
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:27
User 22/08/2018 - 06:28
thats sounds right
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:28
Price is EXACT, so if not found , enter ZERO , OR NOT FOUND
User 22/08/2018 - 06:28
lets do NOT FOUND
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:28
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:29
Let me get the formula in for the first sheet. Then we should have enough time to review.
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:29
Please stand by
User 22/08/2018 - 06:30
i'll be patient
User 22/08/2018 - 06:30
thanks for the heko
User 22/08/2018 - 06:30
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:39
This file is huge
User 22/08/2018 - 06:39
it is quite large
User 22/08/2018 - 06:39
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:39
It may be easier to give you the example and the formula and we review
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:40
On your sheet enter 2,75 in cell H4
User 22/08/2018 - 06:40
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:41
=INDEX('15382100'!B15:I26,MATCH( 'LOOKUP TAB'!H4,'15382100'!H15:H26,0),7)
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:41
Put this formula in i4
User 22/08/2018 - 06:41
ok one moment
User 22/08/2018 - 06:43
my computer is freezing up... gimme a min
User 22/08/2018 - 06:43
well... excel is anyway
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:43
Yes, it is quite large
User 22/08/2018 - 06:46
User 22/08/2018 - 06:46
in sheet > enter h4>
User 22/08/2018 - 06:46
shet ?*
User 22/08/2018 - 06:46
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:46
enter 2.75 -test number
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:47
=INDEX('15382100'!B15:I26,MATCH( 'LOOKUP TAB'!H4,'15382100'!H15:H26,0),7)
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:47
put that in i4
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:47
This is just to see if this is what you wanted
User 22/08/2018 - 06:49
so i entered "9999" as a test number into H4 of the LOOKUP TAB sheet
User 22/08/2018 - 06:49
in the same sheet i also entered your formula.
User 22/08/2018 - 06:50
into i4
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:50
We want to test the exact match first , but OK
User 22/08/2018 - 06:50
is that right or did you mean something else?
User 22/08/2018 - 06:51
i wish there was video chat haha
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:51
Put 2.75 in H4
User 22/08/2018 - 06:51
User 22/08/2018 - 06:51
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:51
Should see 2.75 in i4
User 22/08/2018 - 06:51
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:51
OK, test 1 is a success
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:52
Now change H4 to 2.70 and you should get an ERROR msg
User 22/08/2018 - 06:52
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:52
=IFERROR(INDEX('15382100'!B15:I26,MATCH( 'LOOKUP TAB'!H4,'15382100'!H15:H26,0),7),"Not Found")
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:53
Put that revised formula in i4 and that will generate a NOT FOUND message
User 22/08/2018 - 06:54
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:54
Ok , that is the formula
User 22/08/2018 - 06:55
User 22/08/2018 - 06:55
oh... one sec...
User 22/08/2018 - 06:55
lemme apply this to what i need.
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:56
This current formula only works with tab = 15382100
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:56
Problem is the 750 tabs you have
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:58
And also noticed you have more rates lower in the sheet?
User 22/08/2018 - 06:59
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 06:59
Not sure what you tried to upload-got an error?
User 22/08/2018 - 07:00
one moment
User 22/08/2018 - 07:00
please goto sheet 15382100
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 07:00
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 07:01
Im there
User 22/08/2018 - 07:01
i need cell H22 to update because "530-4421" was found in B22
User 22/08/2018 - 07:02
so whenever i enter a value in H4 of the LOOKUP TAB...
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 07:02
yes, you entered 2.75 and found
User 22/08/2018 - 07:03
it updates on all tabs that find that "530-4421"
Excelchat Expert 22/08/2018 - 07:03
b22= 590-4421

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