Excel - COLUMN Function Problem - Expert Solution

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I need to find a formula to recognize a particular name in a column and associate the numbers (row) with the name. add up all the numbers with the name and divide by how many times the name comes up.
Solved by V. D. in 20 mins
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Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:07
User 16/08/2018 - 07:08
Hey CV. im trying to create a average
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:08
Would you be able to share the data?
User 16/08/2018 - 07:08
User 16/08/2018 - 07:08
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:09
you can upload the file here
User 16/08/2018 - 07:09
[Uploaded an Excel file]
User 16/08/2018 - 07:10
like this ?
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:10
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:10
Which sheet do you want the formula to be in ?
User 16/08/2018 - 07:10
well for some reason my screen has gone blank. no more excel spreadsheet anymore
User 16/08/2018 - 07:11
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:11
Average of what column and in which sheet?
User 16/08/2018 - 07:11
im trying to create a formula that will take each technicians name as i enter them every day.
User 16/08/2018 - 07:11
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:11
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:12
what is the value you want to average?
User 16/08/2018 - 07:12
is the sheet. i would like to create a formula that will take each technicians name . add up the revenue per call and divide it by the amount of call the technician has.
User 16/08/2018 - 07:12
is that clear enough ?
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:13
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:13
SO , you want to average revenue per call?
User 16/08/2018 - 07:13
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:13
Column F
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:13
in which column should i put this formula in ?
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:14
or should I create a separate table for technician and average?
User 16/08/2018 - 07:14
create a spreadsheet
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:14
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:14
ve me sometime to work on it
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:14
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:17
Here it is
[Uploaded an Excel file]
User 16/08/2018 - 07:17
technicians name by the amount of (total) revenue he has made divided by the (total) calls hes had. i input around 15 new rows everyday. so if i can get this to work it would save me a ton of time.
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:18
So, if you want to update this, just enter in the immediate rows in the data sheet
User 16/08/2018 - 07:18
and automaticle update
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:18
nd then refresh the pivot table
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:18
User 16/08/2018 - 07:18
what formula did you use ?
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:18
I used pivot table
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:18
No formula
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:19
Does this answer your question?
User 16/08/2018 - 07:20
you did it. and if i enter new data in the sheet and hit refresh. the pivot table will also refresh?
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:21
You enter the data in the row just below the where previous data
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:21
Suppose, the current data ends in row 100
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:21
Then you would have to enter the data in row 101
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:21
This will help excel to understand if they are part of the same table
User 16/08/2018 - 07:22
awesome, i get that. just how did you create this in the pivot table ?
User 16/08/2018 - 07:22
no formula ?
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:23
Post this, go to the sheet with pivot table, select any cell in the pivot table >then Pivot table analyze tab in the top and refresh
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:23
yes, no formula was used
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:24
For creating pivot table select the data > Insert Tab > Pivot table
User 16/08/2018 - 07:25
so if i where to graph this . then entered mor data in my data sheet the graph would automatically change if i press refresh
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:26
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:27
but you would have to insert pivot graph
Excelchat Expert 16/08/2018 - 07:27
and this functionality is available in windows only

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