Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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Hi , I have two columns in XLS and it has value . I need to check if either of the two value is true along with third column which has value . I need to count such columns
Solved by Z. D. in 40 mins
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User 09/08/2018 - 05:32
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:32
Welcome, thank you for choosing Got It Pro-Excel! I'll be glad to assist you with your concern.
User 09/08/2018 - 05:33
I have one xls which has three columns . I need to check the value in first two columns if any of the two is true along with the third I need to count that row
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:33
I understand you need help in IF Formula in excel. May you please share the data you have so I can help you with your concern?
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:33
You can provide sample of that data in the document preview
User 09/08/2018 - 05:35
are u able to see
User 09/08/2018 - 05:35
i submitted
User 09/08/2018 - 05:35
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:35
Ok, can you please explain what is the criteria?
User 09/08/2018 - 05:36
now the criteria is I need to populate one column in another sheet of ssameworkbook
User 09/08/2018 - 05:36
in that new sheet for the first row A should be 1
User 09/08/2018 - 05:36
and if any of the B = PA and C=NO is true
User 09/08/2018 - 05:36
i need to count such rows
User 09/08/2018 - 05:36
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:37
Got it. I can help you with that. Before we proceed, just a friendly reminder that our policy is 1 question per session so for this session we'll be resolving this particular question.
User 09/08/2018 - 05:37
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:38
Alright, please give a moment to solve your problem. Thank you!
User 09/08/2018 - 05:38
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:40
Can you check column D if this is the output you need?
User 09/08/2018 - 05:41
I have updated data
User 09/08/2018 - 05:41
but i need count
User 09/08/2018 - 05:41
thats what i said
User 09/08/2018 - 05:41
In another sheet of same workbook
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:41
IF A1=1, and either of this is true (B1=PA or C=NO) then count the data
User 09/08/2018 - 05:41
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:41
Count the rows you mean?
User 09/08/2018 - 05:42
yeah, thats what
User 09/08/2018 - 05:42
count such rows and write in another sheer of same work book
User 09/08/2018 - 05:42
I need ans like
User 09/08/2018 - 05:42
1 4
User 09/08/2018 - 05:43
"1" is the first row and total count for that is 4
User 09/08/2018 - 05:43
User 09/08/2018 - 05:43
2 2
User 09/08/2018 - 05:43
like this
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:44
Sorry, I don't get it why total count for first row is 4?
User 09/08/2018 - 05:44
no thats just example
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:45
Ok so my formula is correct, for this example count would total to 2 only correct? since only 2 met the criteria?
User 09/08/2018 - 05:45
yes , thats corect
User 09/08/2018 - 05:45
but how to write that in other sheet of same workbook
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:46
Ok we can SUM the total of Column D, please check Sheet2 A1 cell
User 09/08/2018 - 05:46
can i write how i need output
User 09/08/2018 - 05:46
in sheet 2
User 09/08/2018 - 05:46
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:47
This is the formula in sheet2: =SUM(Sheet1!D1:D8)
User 09/08/2018 - 05:47
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:47
This is the formula for Sheet 1-D1: =IF(AND(A1=1,OR(B1="PA",C1="No")),1,"")
User 09/08/2018 - 05:47
u are not understanding my req
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:47
Sorry about that. Can you please explain further?
User 09/08/2018 - 05:48
see I have two sheets
User 09/08/2018 - 05:48
One is blank and one has data
User 09/08/2018 - 05:48
Data sheet has priorities as first columns
User 09/08/2018 - 05:49
which can range from 1-7
User 09/08/2018 - 05:49
and then few more columns
User 09/08/2018 - 05:49
now in sheet two I need to put these 1-7 priorities
User 09/08/2018 - 05:49
as first column
User 09/08/2018 - 05:49
and total count that match my criteria
User 09/08/2018 - 05:50
For first row in ur formula A=1
User 09/08/2018 - 05:50
for secong A=2
User 09/08/2018 - 05:50
and it will go till 7
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:51
Sorry, do you have the excel file for me to understand how your data looks like?
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:51
Or you can show an example in Sheet2 on how the output should look like?
User 09/08/2018 - 05:51
User 09/08/2018 - 05:52
give me a min
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:52
Thank you.
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:53
Ok so you mean count the total # of data that met the criteria per priorities?
User 09/08/2018 - 05:53
i have pasted my output
User 09/08/2018 - 05:53
so now basically i need column XX
User 09/08/2018 - 05:54
which will have the criteria I have given
User 09/08/2018 - 05:54
and data is in another sheet
User 09/08/2018 - 05:54
in same workbook
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:54
Ok please give me a moment
User 09/08/2018 - 05:58
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:58
Still working on the formula, thanks for the patience
User 09/08/2018 - 05:58
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:59
Ok here's the formula for Sheet2, E2: =SUMIF(Sheet1!D1:D8,Sheet2!A2)
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 05:59
Do you have any questions/clarifications regarding the solution provided?
User 09/08/2018 - 06:00
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 06:00
Are you satisfied with the solution provided?
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 06:01
So for this case, it will SUM the rows meeting the criteria per Priority
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 06:02
Here's the file for your reference
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 06:02
Is there anything else that I can assist you with regarding this issue?
Excelchat Expert 09/08/2018 - 06:06
Hi, I have not received a reply from you for quite some time. I'm afraid the session will end automatically soon.. I sincerely hope we were able to address your concern.

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