Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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If b22 is >.55*d22 and less than .75*d22. How do I write this formula?
Solved by S. S. in 40 mins
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Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:49
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:49
Welcome to Got it pro
User 28/07/2018 - 02:49
Hello, I really need your help with this formula
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:49
User 28/07/2018 - 02:50
Thank you
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:50
Do you have any excel sheet?
User 28/07/2018 - 02:50
That is what I need it for
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:50
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:50
.55 or 55?
User 28/07/2018 - 02:50
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:51
Oh ok.
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:51
First we would like to check whether B22 > 55%
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:51
if Yes you would like to multiply with d22 is it?
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:52
As per my understanding you would like B22 is greater than 55%*d22 and it should be less than 75% *D22 is it?
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:53
What will be the value in D22?
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:54
User 28/07/2018 - 02:54
I'm trying to make a range between b12 and d22. If d22 is greater than 55% of b12, but less than 75% of b12
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:54
Ok I request you to create sample data in the excel
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:57
is it fine?
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:57
Are you there with me?
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:57
My B12 value is 200
User 28/07/2018 - 02:57
yes i am
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:57
D22 Value is 122
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:58
Since its >0.55 *B12 and <0.75 *B12 it will give you true
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:58
Else it will be false
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 02:59
Is it fine?
User 28/07/2018 - 02:59
Im inputting it into the conditional formatting for a color range.
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:00
ok.If it true it will give you one color else another color
User 28/07/2018 - 03:00
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:00
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:00
I will modify
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:03
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:03
Please download this file and Check
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:05
Are you there?
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:05
FYI. How to apply in conditional formatting
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:06
Are you there with me?
User 28/07/2018 - 03:07
It's still not working to change the color
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:07
Can you please my excel sheet
User 28/07/2018 - 03:08
Im not sure of what you are asking me to do
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:08
Ok. Now Please check our screen
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:09
Are you able to see the output or not?
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:10
Are you there?
User 28/07/2018 - 03:10
Im sorry I still here
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:10
yes. Please tell me
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:10
Is it output correct or not?
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:11
Or do you need any clarification?
User 28/07/2018 - 03:11
I'm pretty new to this so im not sure.
User 28/07/2018 - 03:11
I definitely need clarification
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:11
no issues. Please check whether output is correct or not
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:12
you asked me to change the color
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:12
I changed the color based on your condition
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:13
Can you please ask me your question?
User 28/07/2018 - 03:13
where would I input this information? would it still be in the conditional formatting?
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:13
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:13
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:14
Are you using Excel or Google Sheet?
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:14
I sent you the screenshot how to apply conditional formatting in excel sheet
User 28/07/2018 - 03:14
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:14
then you can refer the screenshot
User 28/07/2018 - 03:14
ok let me try it out
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:15
Home-- conditional formatting- Newrule--
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:15
Use a formula to determine the cells to format
User 28/07/2018 - 03:15
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:15
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:16
Paste this formula and select color you would like to apply
User 28/07/2018 - 03:17
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:18
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:21
Is it working?>
Excelchat Expert 28/07/2018 - 03:22
Did you download my image?

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