Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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I have a formula for a series of 4 cells that is pulling information from another area. I now want to copy the text if one of the formulas comes back with a result
Solved by T. H. in 20 mins
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Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:42
Hello! Welcome, Thanks for choosing Got It Pro-Excel. How may I help you today?
User 08/07/2018 - 10:43
ok i added formulas in b4-b6
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:43
ok perfect
User 08/07/2018 - 10:43
i am looking to create a formula then copies any test that is in there
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:44
User 08/07/2018 - 10:44
i dont have my other document but basically those 3 values will either all be blank, or 1 will have text
User 08/07/2018 - 10:44
if there is text in cell B4:b6 then put the text in this cell
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:44
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:44
I understand
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:45
i will use the cell D5 as example
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:46
I think is that
User 08/07/2018 - 10:48
looks like it
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:48
try the formula please, is that what you want to get?
User 08/07/2018 - 10:48
yup that is exactly what i needed
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:48
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:49
Let me explain exactly what I did
User 08/07/2018 - 10:49
i am following the logic
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:49
I just concatenated 3 IF functions
User 08/07/2018 - 10:49
is there any way to pull it as a series
User 08/07/2018 - 10:49
if i have an area looking at 8 cells it starts getting long
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:49
explain please
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:50
oh I understand, no, it must be done manually
User 08/07/2018 - 10:50
if my formulas were to b b1;b100 can i grab all of that at once
User 08/07/2018 - 10:51
i would want something like that but i just cant find a way to make it work
User 08/07/2018 - 10:52
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:52
I think it must be done manually
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:52
e you need to have a condition for each cell
User 08/07/2018 - 10:52
bummer ok
User 08/07/2018 - 10:53
thank you for your help
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:53
I'm glad I could answer your question today. I kindly invite you to close this session and please give your kind feedback for our service. Please visit Got It Pro again!
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:53
Have a good day
Excelchat Expert 08/07/2018 - 10:56
are you there??

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