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I need a conditional formatting with a formula between 2 dates. If A1 contains the date July 8, 2018 & A2 contains the value of A1-7 (date) - how do I apply this to a conditional format to have A2 turn red if true
Solved by B. S. in 26 mins
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06/07/2018 - 01:14
Okay, by the time I read the answers it disables the selection - lol
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:14
Greetings! Thank you for choosing Got It Pro!
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:14
Sorry, what was that?
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:14
Was that for the survey?
06/07/2018 - 01:14
ok I am on daily, for work from home
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:14
Oh okay, that is fine.
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:15
Alright, so you need help on conditional formatting, right?
06/07/2018 - 01:15
06/07/2018 - 01:15
I know how to use normal conditional formatting but now with a formula
06/07/2018 - 01:15
but not with....
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:15
Please see the workbook we have here. We want Cell A2 to turn red if?
06/07/2018 - 01:16
if the date or value is 7 days or less than the date in A1
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:16
Alright. Understood. Please give me a few minutes to give you a solution.
06/07/2018 - 01:17
okay thanks
06/07/2018 - 01:17
oh and I also want that if it is not 7 days or less to do nothing
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:17
Got you.
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:17
Hold on please.
06/07/2018 - 01:17
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:24
Still working on it, hold on.
06/07/2018 - 01:24
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:30
Okay, here we go. Please see cell A2.
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:30
Google sheets is just preventing me to make it red :)
06/07/2018 - 01:30
colour doesn't matter
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:31
To use it on your sheet, select the cell you want the apply formatting to, go to Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cell Rules > More Rules
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:32
From there, select "Use a formula to determine which cells to format"
06/07/2018 - 01:32
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:32
Then for your formula, use =A1-A2<8
06/07/2018 - 01:32
would you mind hanging on a sec to try it
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:32
no problem
06/07/2018 - 01:34
you are brilliant, now I just need instead of 8 for 30 days
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:34
Same syntax, just make it 31 days. =A1-A2<31
06/07/2018 - 01:34
omg luv you
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:34
Appreciate it! I am so glad to have helped you!
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:34
I will mark this now as answered.
06/07/2018 - 01:35
so how does this service work - this was a freebie but every time I have to pay or is it a monthly fee
06/07/2018 - 01:35
or membership? and can I ask for you again?
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:35
Please leave a feedback after you end our chat session for us to know how we did today! You are welcome back for more of your Excel needs.
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:36
I am unfortunately unaware how it works on the other end. As far as I know, you just have to pay when you have a question to ask. And sorry, no we cannot give personal information so you wouldn't be able to ask for me specifically again.
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:37
But the good thing is, we have plenty of Excel experts whom all are certainly brilliant! Any one of us would be happy to assist you!
06/07/2018 - 01:37
well too bad but I understand - where do I leave feedback that will affect you
06/07/2018 - 01:37
Thanks again mate!
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:38
After you end our chat session, you will be prompted with the option to leave a feedback.
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:38
You are very welcome!
06/07/2018 - 01:39
I am sending you a coffee & baileys
06/07/2018 - 01:39
virtually of course - so appreciative
Excelchat Expert
06/07/2018 - 01:39
Haha, that would be lovely! I'll be waiting with my virtual bagels!
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