Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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I want to check if cell contain any of the words I define as variable for example then return this word
Solved by G. A. in 30 mins
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Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:04
User 10/06/2018 - 08:04
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:05
Welcome to excelchat, we are happy to have you today with us.
User 10/06/2018 - 08:05
Have you seen my question?
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:05
Yeah, I did. I saw your question.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:06
I believe you want to search a word in a string and if the word is there, return another word, right?
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:06
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
User 10/06/2018 - 08:06
Return the same word
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:07
Okay, can you please show me an example? In that way I can be sure of the exact problem.
User 10/06/2018 - 08:08
so I want B11 to check if G11 have got balloon or baseball or basketball or tennisball to return the word that it found
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:10
The word's you are gonna search are limited to only those words or it can be anything? Also, would you like to search once or you would test single word once at a time?
User 10/06/2018 - 08:11
For example I have 35 other words to search for
User 10/06/2018 - 08:11
And I would like to search once
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:13
Okay, I believe I know what you are looking for. Please note that the solution I'm talking about it formula only solution and for the solution to work, we need to list all those different words that you would be searching for.
User 10/06/2018 - 08:13
Should I list them in same sheet?
User 10/06/2018 - 08:14
Can't I import them from another excel file?
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:14
You can list them in another sheet.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:15
Like create a new sheet and put them on that sheet.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:15
For example, I have just created one "Sheet2" in the preview window.
User 10/06/2018 - 08:16
Ok import them from sheet 2 please
User 10/06/2018 - 08:16
Yea exactly
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:16
Please give me a few minutes.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:22
I need some more time, please stay with me.
User 10/06/2018 - 08:22
The timer is about to finish
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:23
You will be asked to extend time, please select YES>
User 10/06/2018 - 08:23
I closed it
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:23
Ah, I see. Well we can continue.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:23
Although you won't be able to reply back.
User 10/06/2018 - 08:24
I can reply on sheet
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:24
Alternatively you can write the preview window.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:24
Yeah, you can. Please give me some more time.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:26
Thanks for waiting. I have wrote a formula.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:26
Here it is.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:26
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:26
Now, this formula is only for the 4 words listed in sheet2.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:26
Please see B11 now.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:27
Yeah, we have to add IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("*"&Sheet2!A4&"*",G11)),Sheet2!A4, for all new words.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:28
Then have to add 35 nested IF.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:29
It might take some time to write the formula for the first time, but once you have it written, you won't need to change it.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:32
There is a very short formula which would be able to detect whether the word's are present in G11 or not, but that formula won't be able to return which word is actually there.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:32
=SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(SEARCH(Sheet2!A1:A4,G11))) is the formula
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:32
I have wrote it in D9
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:33
1 means at least one word from sheet2 is present in G11
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:34
Thanks for visiting us today, I will close this chat now.
Excelchat Expert 10/06/2018 - 08:35
Have a great day.

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