Excel - How to Use Conditional Formatting With IF Statement - Expert Solution

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I have a question about Conditional Formatting. =IF('Sheet1'!A1="X",IF('Sheet1'!B1="Y", TRUE, FALSE),FALSE) the set the cell background to red. I would like to make it so that if Sheet1'!B1="Z" I set the back to blue. How can I achieve this.
Solved by B. F. in 39 mins
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Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:35
Hello, welcome to Got It Pro.
User 10/05/2018 - 03:35
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:36
I've seen your problem. Could you please take a look at the Excel Online panel on the middle.
User 10/05/2018 - 03:37
User 10/05/2018 - 03:39
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:39
Just a few moments.
User 10/05/2018 - 03:39
Okay, thanks
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:43
Okay, let me show you a more efficient way to do what you are trying to achieve.
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:43
But for that I would need to know which version of Excel you are using.
User 10/05/2018 - 03:44
Excel 2010
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:44
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:48
Does this work for you?
User 10/05/2018 - 03:49
I don't see anything
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:49
Why that is strange. Just a minute.
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:50
Dont you see the red backgrounds?
User 10/05/2018 - 03:50
No, the sheet is unchanged
User 10/05/2018 - 03:51
Is Chrome an acceptable browser for this?
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:51
Yes, it works on all browsers.
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:51
Could you please try it on your computer as I guide you through the way?
User 10/05/2018 - 03:51
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:52
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:52
Can you the my table on the Excel Online panel?
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:53
*Can you see
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:53
Could you copy and paste it to Excel on your computer?
User 10/05/2018 - 03:54
User 10/05/2018 - 03:56
I saved your table and opened it locally
User 10/05/2018 - 03:56
ee the letters in the cells, but no color formatting
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:56
Okay. Now select A2 to A5 and then Home> Conditional Formatting>New Rule
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:56
A1 : A5
User 10/05/2018 - 03:57
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:57
Okay now in the new formatting rule box, select "use formula to determine which cells to format"
User 10/05/2018 - 03:58
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:59
Now in the format values where this formula is true type : AND(A1="X",B1="Y")
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 03:59
you need an equal(=) sign in front of the formula.
User 10/05/2018 - 04:00
okay, so =AND(A1="X",B1="Y")
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 04:00
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 04:01
Now click format, go to the fill panel, select the background color to red.
User 10/05/2018 - 04:01
So how would I change it to make A1 shade blue if B1="Z" ?
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 04:01
You just repeat the same process.
User 10/05/2018 - 04:02
Put both rules on the same cell?
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 04:02
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 04:02
I'm sorry I said something wrong earlier.
User 10/05/2018 - 04:03
Ahh, I got it. seems to be working
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 04:03
Before assigning the rules, you need to select A1:B5
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 04:03
Does that solve your question?
Excelchat Expert 10/05/2018 - 04:07
Thanks for using Got It Pro.

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