Excel - How to Use Conditional Formatting With IF Statement - Expert Solution

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I need help with conditional formatting to highlight a cell if any of the names appear in a column list of names
Solved by O. J. in 20 mins
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Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:45
hi there!
User 27/03/2018 - 01:45
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:45
Are you able to load the file into the Google Sheet window? I am sure I can help you with your conditional formatting question...
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:45
or you could attach the file as well - whatever is easier.
User 27/03/2018 - 01:46
I can quickly write up an example sheet in excel
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:46
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:47
are you using Excel or Google Sheets? (the conditional formatting procedures are a touch different between the 2)
User 27/03/2018 - 01:49
so I want conditional formatting for cell A1. I am using excel. I want cell A1 to change color if any of the items are in the list. So if I type "a" in cell A1, I want conditional formatting to apply
User 27/03/2018 - 01:49
same goes for b, c, and d
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:49
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:50
let me reproduce this little example in Excel so I can figure it out - shouldn't be long!
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:53
how long could the list of names be?
User 27/03/2018 - 01:53
User 27/03/2018 - 01:53
on average
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:55
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:55
ok I have it :)
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:55
i had to use a secondary formula to base the conditional formatting on
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:55
one sec ill attach a file and walk you through it
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:55
you can apply the solution to your file
User 27/03/2018 - 01:55
ok great
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:57
actually never mind - i added the formula directly to the conditional formatting (even better)
User 27/03/2018 - 01:57
lets see it!
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:58
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:58
ok check that out
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:58
you will have to tweak the conditional formatting formula to match the cell that you're entering the name as well as match the list of names
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 01:59
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(A1,E2:E100,0)),1,0) So the A1 needs to be whatever cell you are entering the name into. And the E2:E100 is the range of cells with the names.
User 27/03/2018 - 02:00
That is the equation needed for the "new rule" for conditional formatting?
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 02:00
yep you'd go to new rule, and then select "use a formula to determine which cells.... etc."
User 27/03/2018 - 02:01
Great! seems like it should work for my purposes. I'll give it a shot!
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 02:01
do you want to test now while I'm here?
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 02:01
you can always ping back of course as well - whatever is easier for you
User 27/03/2018 - 02:02
ok just a sec
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 02:02
sure thing
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 02:04
the timer will expire though unless you press the extend 20 minutes
Excelchat Expert 27/03/2018 - 02:04
best of luck if I loose you!

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