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I have a series of number , I want to show if there is a positive number then 0 else add the negative number to the positive number till i get total negative number , basicaly showing what is due
Solved by A. D. in 20 mins
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Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:07
HI, It's pleasure to help you today.
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:07
Please share sample data in the preview.
22/03/2018 - 07:08
22/03/2018 - 07:08
I am stuck here
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:08
Ok. What is the expected output?
22/03/2018 - 07:08
I want to show the cumulative -ve number
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:08
Can you please fill all the values.
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:09
What about C19?
22/03/2018 - 07:10
if the sum is >0 then 0
22/03/2018 - 07:10
till it finds a value <0
22/03/2018 - 07:10
the +ve numbers can vary but not more than 5
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:15
IN D19 cell, I am getting a negative value, if i count from top.
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:15
But, you are looking for the count from the previous zero?
22/03/2018 - 07:15
not from top
22/03/2018 - 07:16
I need if the value in B17 is positive then sum b18
22/03/2018 - 07:16
if the b17+b18 is positive thhen b17+b18+b19+ till I get -ve value
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:17
You want to sum it blocks by blocks.
22/03/2018 - 07:17
22/03/2018 - 07:18
but it should count till it find a -ve value
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:18
It is not possible with formulas, i guess. .as we can't store the values.
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:18
You have to try with vba only to solve this problem.
22/03/2018 - 07:18
can you help
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:19
We are not supporting vba. I tried solving it through formulas and realized that, it needs a vba.
22/03/2018 - 07:19
where can I get VBA help
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:20
You may have to try another resources at the moment. We will be back with vba support soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
22/03/2018 - 07:20
ok thanks
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:20
You are welcome.
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:20
Please visit Got It Pro for any formula queries or the features that we can support that are listed on the site. Thank you.
Excelchat Expert
22/03/2018 - 07:20
Have a great day.
22/03/2018 - 07:21
thank you
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