Excel - COLUMN Function Problem - Expert Solution

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i need to adjust a formula that sums a column but only sums the values and not blanks or zeros
Solved by V. L. in 40 mins
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Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:36
User 18/03/2018 - 02:37
G'DAy im Steve How are ya mate?
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:37
you there?
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:37
Yes I am ok, you?
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:37
so do you have a file to work on?
User 18/03/2018 - 02:37
good ae you a M or F?
User 18/03/2018 - 02:37
yes one minute
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:37
User 18/03/2018 - 02:38
just the formula ill paste
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:39
User 18/03/2018 - 02:39
ok so this formula sums across the reference in column A but i only want it to sum where there is data not blanks
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:40
By sum I think you means count the entries, right?
User 18/03/2018 - 02:40
for the record A:A is a list of names ill add
User 18/03/2018 - 02:40
so i don't want to get any other sums but the count of the quantity of each individual name
User 18/03/2018 - 02:41
oh yes count
User 18/03/2018 - 02:41
basically i think in my real sheet the formula as pasted is counting the blank cells
User 18/03/2018 - 02:41
the blank cells up to A2000
User 18/03/2018 - 02:42
i think its counting the blank as a unique name also
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:42
check in G1
User 18/03/2018 - 02:42
i hope this is understandable
User 18/03/2018 - 02:42
ok ill check
User 18/03/2018 - 02:43
i don't want to count the blank cells
User 18/03/2018 - 02:43
that is what you have done
User 18/03/2018 - 02:43
i want to count the unique names as the formula did but not count the blank cells
User 18/03/2018 - 02:44
do you understand what i mean?
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:46
User 18/03/2018 - 02:46
this formula is what i use to return the unique names
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:47
so there is repeatation also
User 18/03/2018 - 02:48
i have the formula to make a list of all the unique names that appear but i also want to count how many times each unique name appeared
User 18/03/2018 - 02:48
do you understand what i mean?
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:48
so if you have the list of unique names
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:49
then the formula I gave will work fine
User 18/03/2018 - 02:49
ok so i copied the formula that i use to generate the list of unique names. it is in F1
User 18/03/2018 - 02:49
it is not working because the references are probably different in this sheet
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:50
let me see
User 18/03/2018 - 02:50
i think it has to have array in front for google sheets
User 18/03/2018 - 02:50
I'm using excel
User 18/03/2018 - 02:52
do you get what i mean?
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:52
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:52
Array is also available in googlesheet too
User 18/03/2018 - 02:52
i understand my formula in F1 is not right
User 18/03/2018 - 02:53
i copied what i used in excel then tried to fix for sheets
User 18/03/2018 - 02:53
F2 has my original formula from my excel
User 18/03/2018 - 02:53
it should return the list of unique names
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 02:54
ok let me see
User 18/03/2018 - 02:59
any luck?
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:01
[Uploaded an Excel file]
User 18/03/2018 - 03:03
ok ill check one moment
User 18/03/2018 - 03:03
what does that formula count?
User 18/03/2018 - 03:04
it should count how many times the unique names listed in column F appear in column A
User 18/03/2018 - 03:04
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:04
hi yes
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:05
h ok
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:05
there needs to be names in column F too?
User 18/03/2018 - 03:06
yes as i said the formula is there but needs fixing to suit this sheet
User 18/03/2018 - 03:06
the formula in column F lists the unique names in A:A
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:06
so write the names in col F then
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:06
those which needs to be checked
User 18/03/2018 - 03:07
no you don't understand
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:08
You have a set of names in F right?
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:08
based on what you need to check entries in A, right?
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:10
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:10
My formula is giving exactly what is needed
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:10
you need the number of times they appear?
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:15
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 18/03/2018 - 03:15
ok now?

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