Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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Good morning, I need a cell formatting solution to display leading zero in my excel table with the following conditions. 1. Cannot format as text 2. cell size is not fixed. Please let me know if there is a solution.Thanks in advance
Solved by V. C. in 11 mins
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Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:19
Welcome, Thanks for choosing Got It Pro-Excel!
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:19
Do you have Excel sheet,please?
User 12/03/2018 - 07:21
Nop, I want to make a table using vlook up table functions. My input sometime start with zero which is not recognized by vlookup formula
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:21
OK,You need 0 to be added in formula or in start of any number?
User 12/03/2018 - 07:23
Not alla numbers, but sometimes. For example, p01-L01-001 ia a value i am going to input. The same value i may input as 0101001, in such case i want to display this as 0101001 instead of 101001
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:24
Good, for that purpose you must have to write as "0101001" means use " ".
User 12/03/2018 - 07:24
I cannot use "" as this cell value is used for vlook up table.
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:25
No, you have to write cell value as ="0100101"
User 12/03/2018 - 07:25
let me try
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:25
Then Vlook up table will recognize 0's
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:26
Yes, why not.
User 12/03/2018 - 07:26
Many thanks, it worked
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:26
Please one thing important in start please, when you Got solution please END this session & rate me 5 if you are satisfied,Thanks
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:26
Is there anything else you want to know regarding this issue?
User 12/03/2018 - 07:26
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:26
Thanks for using Got It Pro-Excel!
User 12/03/2018 - 07:26
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:27
Have a good day ahead!
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:27
Yes please?
User 12/03/2018 - 07:27
is there any cell formatting option other than format as as text for the same problem?
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:28
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:28
For this issue only TEXT is useful
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:28
Got my point,please?
User 12/03/2018 - 07:29
yes,of course. Thanks for the clarification
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:29
You are always welcome
Excelchat Expert 12/03/2018 - 07:29
Now please end session,Thanks
User 12/03/2018 - 07:29

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