Excel - COLUMN Function Problem - Expert Solution

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Hello, I have a big spreadsheet in which I need to know how many patients came in each month based on provider. I am using the following formula but I still get the N/A error. =INDEX('No Show Appts Data'!D:E, MATCH(1, 'No Show Appts Data'!D:D='No Shows Data'!M2)*('No Shows Data'!E:E='No Shows Data'!N1),0)) No Show Appts Data is the name of the sheet where Column D is Month Year of date in question and Column E is the provider. No Shows Data is the sheet where I am making all the formula calculation where Column M is Month and Year and Column N is the provider in question and therefore M2 is the month in question and N1 the provider in question. How do I fix this error? Thanks
Solved by F. H. in 40 mins
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Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:47
User 09/03/2018 - 03:47
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:47
How may i help you
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:48
can you show some sample data
User 09/03/2018 - 03:48
i dont know why my formula is wrong here is a simpler version
User 09/03/2018 - 03:48
=INDEX(D:E, MATCH(1,E:E=$H$2)*(D:D=G3), 0)
User 09/03/2018 - 03:49
thats the data
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:50
put the formula that you are using
User 09/03/2018 - 03:50
i need to know the count for each month by provider
User 09/03/2018 - 03:52
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:53
it can be done without using index match
User 09/03/2018 - 03:53
i know it can be done using countifs but I have huge amounts of data
User 09/03/2018 - 03:54
what other suggestion do you have
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:54
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:54
i think countifs would have been better solution
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:54
what do you say?
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:55
you there?
User 09/03/2018 - 03:56
User 09/03/2018 - 03:56
User 09/03/2018 - 03:56
the chat froze
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:56
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:56
i think countifs would have been better solution
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:56
what do you say?
User 09/03/2018 - 03:57
i need an easier way cuz countifs will need to be specified for each provider and month
User 09/03/2018 - 03:57
and I have HUGE data sets...this only an example to get the formula right
User 09/03/2018 - 03:57
so if i use countifs each cell will need to be different and specfied
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:58
User 09/03/2018 - 03:58
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:58
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:59
i dont think each cell would be different
User 09/03/2018 - 03:59
can you help me come up with a different solution that isnt countifs
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 03:59
formula can be dragged down i think
User 09/03/2018 - 03:59
yes it is because each month and each provider is diff
User 09/03/2018 - 03:59
=COUNTIFS(!D:D, "82017", 'E:E "Mcnamara")
User 09/03/2018 - 04:00
it can!! but that doesnt help
User 09/03/2018 - 04:00
arent you supposed to be an expert?
User 09/03/2018 - 04:00
of course formuas cna be dragged down but the month changes
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:00
yes that i what i am telling you mate
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:00
let me build formula for you
User 09/03/2018 - 04:01
ok fine
User 09/03/2018 - 04:01
please build it
User 09/03/2018 - 04:02
please let me know when you are done
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:03
User 09/03/2018 - 04:04
we only have 3 min left please help
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:04
time will extend
User 09/03/2018 - 04:04
never mind I extended it
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:04
dont worry
User 09/03/2018 - 04:05
can you help me out or not? im currently at work and cannot be too long on here
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:05
i am working on my desktop excel
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:05
i am helping you out mate
User 09/03/2018 - 04:05
ok thanks a ton
User 09/03/2018 - 04:05
let me know
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:08
did you have a look?
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:08
i used countifs to do this
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:08
let me know if this helps you out
User 09/03/2018 - 04:08
give me a second
User 09/03/2018 - 04:11
it doesnt
User 09/03/2018 - 04:11
cuz i like i have HUGE data sets
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:11
it will work on huge data sets as well
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:11
is it not giving you correct data?
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:12
i am trying my best to help you out
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:12
and this is the best method i think we should use
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:16
does it help you buddy?
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:16
are you there?
User 09/03/2018 - 04:16
yes thanks a ton
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:18
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:18
please do give good rating
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:18
it really helps
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:20
are you there?
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:24
please do give good rating
Excelchat Expert 09/03/2018 - 04:24
it really helps a lot

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