Excel - COLUMN Function Problem - Expert Solution

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I am trying to figure out a way to keep a filter from refreshing when filtering other columns - I have a Yes/No column that I want to stay no matter what - when I filter the "who" drop down and then clear the filter, it makes the Y's disappear, but I want them to stay.
Solved by V. Y. in 21 mins
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Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:27
hi welcome to got it Pro
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:27
i will be able to assit u with ur query let me have a look pls
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:28
hi r u there
User 19/02/2018 - 03:28
I'm here
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:28
do u have sheet that u r working on,..
User 19/02/2018 - 03:29
I'd prefer not to share the document - it's a business spreadsheet with confidential info
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:29
sure got it,..
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:30
in your particular query you require advance filter process
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:30
shall i share a dump file which can give you idea
User 19/02/2018 - 03:30
sounds good, thanks!
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:30
sure Give me a moment,.. let me do working as per your requirement Pls
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:34
working on it ppls
User 19/02/2018 - 03:34
no problem
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:34
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:42
al most done dear
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:43
Hidear Pls review This
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:45
this known as Advance Filter,..
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:46
almost fits in all category of filteration in excel
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:48
I hope i was able to full fill your requirement,.. happy learning,..
Excelchat Expert 19/02/2018 - 03:48
Have a great day,.. TC

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