Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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I have 10k unique codes that I need i need to see if they are in a list of 60k. I cant have duplicates thats why I am doing this
Solved by A. B. in 60 mins
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Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:10
User 18/12/2017 - 08:10
User 18/12/2017 - 08:10
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:11
your spreadsheet is emptu
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:11
User 18/12/2017 - 08:11
yes I know
User 18/12/2017 - 08:11
i need to know if there is an easy way to search for a list of codes in a bigger list
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:12
Yes there is a way.
User 18/12/2017 - 08:13
i have 5k "codes" labed friend3233 for example
User 18/12/2017 - 08:13
i need to make 50k more of those codes but i cant have the 5k already made in that list
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:15
Can you give example at the view.
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:17
Still there.
User 18/12/2017 - 08:17
hi sorry computer froze
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:18
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:18
User 18/12/2017 - 08:18
these are the codes I have right now
User 18/12/2017 - 08:19
I need to make 50k more that look just like this but I have to take out the 5k here that are already made
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:20
You mean you don't have the 50k codes.
User 18/12/2017 - 08:20
User 18/12/2017 - 08:20
i have yet to create them
User 18/12/2017 - 08:20
when I do create them how do i take out this 5k
User 18/12/2017 - 08:21
it will take me 5 mins to create the 50k i just dont know how too take out the 5k i already have made
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:21
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:21
Suppose that you need to make the new codes at the col D
User 18/12/2017 - 08:23
User 18/12/2017 - 08:23
ah okay
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:24
User 18/12/2017 - 08:24
you want me to make them now?
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:26
if you type code at column D and the cell at col C have value more than 0 then the code is in the 5K list
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:27
And if the cell at column C has the value 0 then the code is not at the 5k codes.
User 18/12/2017 - 08:27
then how would i delete the codes in it
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:29
Got it ??
User 18/12/2017 - 08:29
User 18/12/2017 - 08:29
but how do I delete them all when im done
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:30
So as an example the code at cell D1 is in the list at col A so cell C1 shows 1
User 18/12/2017 - 08:31
User 18/12/2017 - 08:31
do i have to individually delete them
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:31
Otherwise the code at D2 is not at the list of codes at col A so the cell C2 is 0
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:31
Delete what??
User 18/12/2017 - 08:32
again I need to create a new list of 50k unique codes. The 5k right here can not be in that list
User 18/12/2017 - 08:32
once i find out what ones are in the new list of 50k codes
User 18/12/2017 - 08:33
how do i delete them from the new list
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:34
You have to filter them according to the values at column C.
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:34
Filter the cells that have the values not equal 0.
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:35
And then delete them all.
User 18/12/2017 - 08:36
so if i delete the cells in C they will delete from the list ?
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:38
As an example suppose that the list at column D is the new 50K
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:38
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:38
There are some new codes and some codes is at the 5K list.
User 18/12/2017 - 08:38
i have the list of the new codes
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:39
So you need to delete that codes from the 50k list
User 18/12/2017 - 08:39
User 18/12/2017 - 08:41
those are the new codes
User 18/12/2017 - 08:43
are you still there
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:47
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:47
Sorry about the delay
User 18/12/2017 - 08:48
its okay
User 18/12/2017 - 08:48
there shouldnt be a space in the codes
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:48
So your new list is at col G
User 18/12/2017 - 08:48
how do i get rid of that
User 18/12/2017 - 08:48
yes but the space shouldnt be inbetween the, \
User 18/12/2017 - 08:49
how do I remove the spce between the numbers and letters
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:50
Use the formula subtitle.
User 18/12/2017 - 08:50
on all of them?
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:50
Like at the column H
User 18/12/2017 - 08:52
perfect thank you
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:53
Now I'll make the formula at column I to check if the code at col H is at the 5k list or not.
User 18/12/2017 - 08:54
oops my bad
User 18/12/2017 - 08:54
if i where to put the new numbers in col a and the old in col b and then do "remove duplicates" would that work
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:59
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 08:59
You have to add them at the same column.
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 09:00
I mean you have to add the 5k below the 50K list and then remove educated.
User 18/12/2017 - 09:01
how do i add them below
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 09:02
Copy all the 5k cells and paste them at the last cell of the new 50k list.
User 18/12/2017 - 09:02
i tried and it tells me i cant
Excelchat Expert 18/12/2017 - 09:03
If you need I can make this for you at excel and attach the file for you.
User 18/12/2017 - 09:03
yeah can you add the 5k below so i can filter them out

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