Excel - COLUMN Function Problem - Expert Solution

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Hi. I have a random list of names. Last name in one column, First name in another column. I need to start another sheet that will reference this random list and return an alphabetized list.
Solved by M. Y. in 20 mins
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Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:50
Hello :)
User 01/12/2017 - 07:50
Hi There
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:51
You would like to lookup the names in Sheet1 and return the names in Sheet2 alphabetized?
User 01/12/2017 - 07:51
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:51
Or is there information that goes with the names also?
User 01/12/2017 - 07:51
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:51
Is there information that goes with the names?
User 01/12/2017 - 07:51
there are several columns worth of information that goes with the names
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:52
Okay, this will require VBA.
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:52
if you want it automated that is.
User 01/12/2017 - 07:52
If there is an easy way to incorporate the return of all info than no problem. Otherwise I'll just create a vlookup for the other columns
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:52
I can give you steps on how to manually alphabtize.
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:52
So the list doesn't need Alphabetized?
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:52
If I can do a lookup without it?
User 01/12/2017 - 07:53
my aim is to have the "results" sheet return an alphabatized list from a random list
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:53
Okay, then yes, this will require VBA.
User 01/12/2017 - 07:53
I'm fine with it just referencing a single column and returning a single column if that's easiest
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:53
First, I will show you the index/match = lookup function.
User 01/12/2017 - 07:53
I"m not familiar with a VBA
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:54
Then, we will need to discuss the VBA piece.
User 01/12/2017 - 07:54
souncs good
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:54
For that, I will ask that you repost for the VBA session.
User 01/12/2017 - 07:54
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:54
Once I finish with the lookup piece that is.
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:54
Okay, so do you know index match?
User 01/12/2017 - 07:54
User 01/12/2017 - 07:54
i do not know index match
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:55
No worries. I will show you :)
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:56
Okay, can you see the excel to the right?
User 01/12/2017 - 07:57
i can
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:58
Great, I created sheet2 tab. All the data will soon be transfered to Sheet2 using index/match.
User 01/12/2017 - 07:58
copy that
User 01/12/2017 - 07:58
...to sheet 1?
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:59
Sheet 1 to Sheet 2.
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:59
I noticed that the names were revered.
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:59
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 07:59
I have since adjusted them.
User 01/12/2017 - 07:59
ah, okay. i see that
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:01
This is comlpete.
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:01
Please see Sheet 2.
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:01
=index('Sheet 1'!$B$2:$C$11,match($A2,'Sheet 1'!$A$2:$A$11,0),match(B$1,'Sheet 1'!$B$1:$C$1,0))
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:01
That is the formula.
User 01/12/2017 - 08:03
that's great. Thanks!
User 01/12/2017 - 08:03
I'm trying it now
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:03
Okay, sounds good.
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:06
How's it working?
User 01/12/2017 - 08:06
If I want tohis to look at the full column can I substitutel $B$2:$C$11 with $A:$C?
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:06
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:07
This was just a quick example.
User 01/12/2017 - 08:07
ADo you know, I this might be a problem
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:07
but you can very well lock the column and lookup all data.
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:07
What is that?
User 01/12/2017 - 08:07
i have a blank sheet that I'm trying to get to return a list in alphabetical order
User 01/12/2017 - 08:07
so it's not really referencing a second list
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:08
Okay, not's not a problem, I can work around that.
Excelchat Expert 01/12/2017 - 08:09
Now, it is pulling the reference name from Sheet 1.
User 01/12/2017 - 08:09
but it is not alphabatizing the list

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