Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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column name: Name Values: either has names or blank I want to create a new variable, which writes 'named' if the value has a name or 'unnamed' if the value is blank.
Solved by F. J. in 40 mins
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Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 04:57
welcome to excel got it pro
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 04:57
I understand you want to want to create a new variable, which writes 'named' if the value has a name or 'unnamed' if the value is blank.
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 04:58
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 04:58
here is the formula
User 27/11/2017 - 04:58
oh okay. I thought that i needed to give a demo of my data
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 04:59
you did and it helped
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 04:59
User 27/11/2017 - 04:59
User 27/11/2017 - 04:59
can i as k you onw more question ?
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 04:59
sure, go ahead. though we are only allowed to solve only one question per session.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:00
I have age variable as i have shown it to you
User 27/11/2017 - 05:00
i want to work with the age variable
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:00
User 27/11/2017 - 05:00
how do i generalise it ?
User 27/11/2017 - 05:00
for using it in my analysis
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:01
what do you want to do with age? I'm not sure.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:01
I am working with a animal dataset
User 27/11/2017 - 05:01
and i want the age to be either in weeks or in months or in years
User 27/11/2017 - 05:02
but the values are mixed
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:02
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:02
you want to get the values automatically?
User 27/11/2017 - 05:02
how do i convert it ?
User 27/11/2017 - 05:03
i want one column that has age in months
User 27/11/2017 - 05:04
and there are 26,000 observations.I cannot convert each of them manually
User 27/11/2017 - 05:04
=if age is 1 year,then age_months =12
User 27/11/2017 - 05:04
something like this
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:04
age in months and years can be converted in months easily. but weeks are not that easy.
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:05
Since you don't have definite number of days count in weeks.
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:06
I mean 2 weeks can be 8 days or 13 days.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:07
forget weeks
User 27/11/2017 - 05:07
but what about months and years
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:07
that is still doable but will need time.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:07
how should i convert '2 years' to '24 months'
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:07
let me have a go at it.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:07
okay okay
User 27/11/2017 - 05:07
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:11
do you have both year/years value?
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:12
or just one of them?
User 27/11/2017 - 05:13
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:13
but don't worry, I'm working on it.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:14
the column that i have highlighted
User 27/11/2017 - 05:14
tell me the logic for it
User 27/11/2017 - 05:14
so i can develop the rest of it on my own
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:14
which one of it?
User 27/11/2017 - 05:14
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:15
you can see the formula on H2 that i'm working on.
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:15
=IF(or(mid(E2,search(" ",E2)+1,10)="year",mid(E2,search(" ",E2)+1,10)="years"),value(left(E2,2))*12,"not")
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:15
this is for the year/years part.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:15
give me a formula for this - if E2 contains "year" then copy the contents to a new column
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:16
=IF(or(mid(E2,search(" ",E2)+1,10)="year",mid(E2,search(" ",E2)+1,10)="years"),value(left(E2,2))*12,"not")
User 27/11/2017 - 05:16
shit its huge
User 27/11/2017 - 05:16
could you explain ?
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:16
yeap, and we also need to incorporate months in it too
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:17
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:18
=IF(or(mid(E2,search(" ",E2)+1,10)="year",mid(E2,search(" ",E2)+1,10)="years"),value(left(E2,2))*12,if(mid(E2,search(" ",E2)+1,10)="months",value(left(E2,2)),E2))
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:18
here's the complete formula
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:19
I'm explaining it
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:19
you are already aware of the IF formula, right?
User 27/11/2017 - 05:19
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:20
so, here we are combining if formula with left and value formula
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:20
left formula extracts certain texts from strings.
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:20
value formula converts texts that appears to be strings.
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:21
I have also applied mid formula which also extracts texts from strings.
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:21
now details.
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:21
any question for above statements?
User 27/11/2017 - 05:22
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:22
"value formula converts texts that appears to be strings." made a mistake here. value formula converts texts to numbers that appears to be numbers.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:22
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:22
so, firstly mid function
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:24
mid function extracts texts from the middle of strings. syntax is =mid(string, start number, number of characters)
User 27/11/2017 - 05:24
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:25
in this case =mid(E2,search(" ",E2)+1,10) will extract year/years/months from E2
User 27/11/2017 - 05:25
could you explian it along with the example
User 27/11/2017 - 05:25
it would be easier
User 27/11/2017 - 05:26
search(" ",E2) - this searches for a space in E2 . Right ?
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:26
do you remember the syntax =mid(=mid(string, start number, number of characters)
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:27
right. and returns the character position of space from E2
User 27/11/2017 - 05:27
i am getting confused
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:27
don't be now. :) we are just getting started.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:27
okay so search returns te position's number
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:27
User 27/11/2017 - 05:28
ohh okayy
User 27/11/2017 - 05:28
sp mid will extraxt text from the position number that search has gived
User 27/11/2017 - 05:28
User 27/11/2017 - 05:29
and we have added one...so that it extracts 10 letters after the space
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:29
the position of space in E2 is 2. we added one with this number. so now its 3. search(" ",E2)+1 ... 3 is the character position from which year
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:29
that's correct.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:29
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:30
we also used an or function here
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:30
or is a logical function that returns true if one of the arguments are true
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:30
so mid function returns year/years
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:31
now if this is true then we get to the value(left(E2,2))*12 part
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:31
left function returns text from the left of a string.
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:32
syntax is =left(string, number of characters)
User 27/11/2017 - 05:32
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:32
as you can see left(E2,2) will return first two characters from E2.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:32
yes got it
User 27/11/2017 - 05:32
what is the value function about?
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:33
but the returned character will be text and we can't multiply text values.
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:33
hence we use value function to convert texts to numbers.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:33
ohh right
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:34
are you still confused?
User 27/11/2017 - 05:34
User 27/11/2017 - 05:34
User 27/11/2017 - 05:34
we searched for a blank space
User 27/11/2017 - 05:34
extracted the string after that
User 27/11/2017 - 05:34
then we used left to extract left part that is the number
User 27/11/2017 - 05:34
but it return text
User 27/11/2017 - 05:35
so we use value functin to to convert it into a number
User 27/11/2017 - 05:35
and then we multiply it by 12
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:35
User 27/11/2017 - 05:35
but i have a doubt
User 27/11/2017 - 05:35
how did we use OR
User 27/11/2017 - 05:35
i man when
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:36
we need both 'year' or 'years' and multiply it by 12 right?
User 27/11/2017 - 05:36
so if the value is year or years,then multiply by 12
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:36
User 27/11/2017 - 05:37
oh great
Excelchat Expert 27/11/2017 - 05:37
thanks, in that case I humbly ask you to close the session. session allowed time is 20 mins for a question. I have answered your first question and also solved the second one.
User 27/11/2017 - 05:37
thankyou for your kind gesture

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