Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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Hi, I need help with excel formula. It is to with IF formula and allocating time based on range..
Solved by K. L. in 46 mins
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Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 07:32
Welcome, Thanks for choosing Got It Pro-Excel
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 07:32
How may I help you today?
User 25/11/2017 - 07:35
Hi, I am working on rota spreadsheet..and need the times of shifts to display wheteher it is breakfast shift, lunch shift, afternooon shift or dinner shift..
User 25/11/2017 - 07:36
The problem I am facing is that Breakfast is from 6am-12pm and lunch starts at 12pm..so if I put 12pm in the rota it shows both breakfast and lunch allocation..
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 07:37
ok give me a moment
User 25/11/2017 - 07:37
I will copy the whole spreadsheet
User 25/11/2017 - 07:37
if it helps..
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 07:39
no problem, give me an example. I will help you out
User 25/11/2017 - 07:48
so I need excel to analyze the data in cells B5 and C5, and D5 and E5. And to put one if they belong to particular shift..
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 07:49
Can you please mentioned , what value do you need in thats cells so i can put the formula according that
User 25/11/2017 - 07:50
User 25/11/2017 - 07:50
value in final cells will be 1 if it is part of the shift, 0 if not..
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 07:51
in "Breakfast 6-12" what value will be appear?
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 07:51
Please mention manually i will create formula for that
User 25/11/2017 - 07:52
If b5-c5 or d5-e5 fulfils criteria of breakfast shift, then1 otherwise 0. Bare in mind that breakfast shift is ANY shift between that time..
User 25/11/2017 - 07:53
User 25/11/2017 - 07:54
so with current values John should appear for breakfast, afternoon and dinner as !
User 25/11/2017 - 07:54
User 25/11/2017 - 07:55
TOny should appear 1 as Lunch, afternoon and dinner
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 07:56
ok, please let me know if I am doing right or wrong
User 25/11/2017 - 07:58
John is not there for lunch, he is missing between 12-15
User 25/11/2017 - 07:59
let me clarify..
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 07:59
User 25/11/2017 - 08:00
John is on split shift working 6-12 and then 15-22
User 25/11/2017 - 08:00
so he should appear as 0 for lunch
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 08:00
User 25/11/2017 - 08:01
Tony is on straight shift working 12-22
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 08:01
got it
User 25/11/2017 - 08:01
thank you :)
User 25/11/2017 - 08:03
My problem is the overlaping times 12, 15, 18 as they appear on both shifts..
User 25/11/2017 - 08:04
even when john is finishing at 12, he still appears on lunch..
User 25/11/2017 - 08:05
so i need excel to recognize the time range more the <>= of psrticular time..
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 08:08
what about dinner?
User 25/11/2017 - 08:09
John should be 1011, Tony 0111
User 25/11/2017 - 08:10
Shall I add more sample shifts to test?
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 08:10
no its fine
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 08:16
I am sorry, can you please re-post this question , other expert will help you out, I have technical problem with my system.
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 08:16
I am really sorry for that
User 25/11/2017 - 08:17
WHere shall I repost it?
Excelchat Expert 25/11/2017 - 08:17
in the same website where did you post it
User 25/11/2017 - 08:17

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