Excel - COLUMN Function Problem - Expert Solution

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I need to use birth date in one column and date of entry into program in another and round to the nearest tenth decimal
Solved by T. Q. in 40 mins
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Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:08
User 24/11/2017 - 08:08
User 24/11/2017 - 08:09
I have birth dates in a2-a17 and date of entry dates c2-c17
User 24/11/2017 - 08:09
how do i find the age at date of entry rounded to the nearest 10th?
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:10
Ok I see
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:11
To determine the age you need to find the difference between dates.
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:12
See the difference at the col D
User 24/11/2017 - 08:12
where? I've never used this before
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:12
The number is the age by days.
User 24/11/2017 - 08:12
what formula did you use
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:13
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:13
date at col C - date at col A
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:14
It you need the date by years you just need to divide the result by 265
User 24/11/2017 - 08:14
okay so whats the formal to get c2 thru c17-a2 thru a17
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:16
See the result at col E
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:16
Just insert the formula at cell D2 and drag it for all cells.
User 24/11/2017 - 08:18
okay i dragged it
User 24/11/2017 - 08:18
now how do i do the formula to get the days and decimals
User 24/11/2017 - 08:18
thanks for the help fyi
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:20
User 24/11/2017 - 08:21
is the e column rounded to nearest tenth?
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:21
User 24/11/2017 - 08:22
mine didn't work i typed in e colloid =d2/365
User 24/11/2017 - 08:24
oh i see thats because mine is b not d
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:27
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:27
You need to round the age.
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:28
Or you need to calculate years and months and days.
User 24/11/2017 - 08:28
okay so now i want to subtract column c from column d discharge date
User 24/11/2017 - 08:29
is it =c2-f2
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:29
Why is that?
User 24/11/2017 - 08:30
because c is entry day into service and f is discharge day
User 24/11/2017 - 08:30
so i need to know how many days they stayed
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:30
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:34
But you need to the formula =F2-C2
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:35
because discharge is greater than entry date.
User 24/11/2017 - 08:36
how do i get answer it col G?
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:37
Just insert the formula at column G.
User 24/11/2017 - 08:37
okay got it
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:37
What answer you need?
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:39
Anything else about this ?
User 24/11/2017 - 08:40
probably but for now I'm ok
Excelchat Expert 24/11/2017 - 08:42

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