Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
Dear Expert,
i need to apply vlookup to get multiple in one go.
<- I want data in cell B, C, D & E Column using Vlookup in one shot from sheet1
Solved by B. B. in 25 mins
im running vlookup from another workbook and pulling the data from this one... the columns are set as such...
URL, Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3...
Solved by S. F. in 30 mins
VLOOKUP(A5,'Data Input'!A$4:Y$392,20,FALSE) can someone help me to interpret this?
Solved by M. J. in 27 mins
Hello- I am having an issue with vlookup. No matter what I do, it is returning the same result, regardless of the sku it is searching for- even if I copy and paste the sku into the sheet the exact same way it is typed in the sheet its searching.
Solved by V. Q. in 28 mins
Im doing VLookup and want to all the column in C (second spreadsheet - Copy of Period Summary) to go into Column AC - 1st spreadsheet with (Copy of Week 2014-15 36. ) And add column X to the result. Two problems with this, if there is nothing in Column X it throws up an N/A. And it seems to put in N/A randomly anyway, I havent looked into this properly, it could be that they are just not on the Second spreadsheet
Solved by O. U. in 23 mins
I believe I need a VLOOKUP to compare 3 columns of data. Column 1 and 2 are in Sheet A. Column 3 is in Sheet B. I need to compare column 1 and 3 containing SOME matching variables. When variables between Column 1 and 3 are a match, I need to include the data from Column 2 in a new column on Sheet B.
Solved by O. U. in 18 mins
I am trying to create an excel formula that will allow me to populate data from a master list into individual lists, but will update as the master list is updated. We are trying to allow the consultants to know which insurance companies will pay for which codes, so I need to populate multiple rows of data (with the same category name) onto separate sheets, but need multiple columns of information (per row) to transfer.
I was thinking VLOOKUP could work for this, but I haven't found a way.
Solved by G. F. in 12 mins
Hi I was wondering If someone can please help me with extracting data from a spreadsheet, I am trying to use VLOOKUP but not having any luck
I have a spreadsheet which has employees from 3 different companies with multiple entries against most employees.
Only this which identifies employees is employee number e.g. A111111
So I need to extract data which belong to employees of 1 company out of 3.
Below is how it looks like
Emp_ID Date Product Sale price
A111111 3/7/2017 Hair dryer $150
A111112 3/7/2017 Hair cutter $120
A111115 3/7/2017 Nail cutter $12
A111112 3/7/2017 Nail polish $11
A111112 3/7/2017 Hair cutter $120
A111115 3/7/2017 Hair cutter $120
A111112 3/7/2017 Hair cutter $120
A111117 3/7/2017 Hair cutter $120
Table 2
Company Employee ID
Company 1 A111111
Company 2 A111112
Company 3 A111115
Company 3 A111117
Any help would be much appreciated
Solved by G. L. in 28 mins
i have an issue with an if and statement. Here it is below:
=IF(AND(VLOOKUP(G2,'Campaign Dates'!A$1:B$14,2,0)<B2,VLOOKUP(G2,'Campaign Dates'!A$1:C$14,3,0)>B2),"Previous IO","Active")
Solved by A. S. in 11 mins
My sumif forumla is not working. Obviously Vlookup's only find the first match so i am trying a sumif forumla to add up all the matches but it is not working