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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Hi Im trying to do a VLOOKUP, using Tabs 2 and 3. Im missing something but cant work out what it is as coming back with an error. The formula Im using is =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,'GRUNDFOS PRICELIST'!A2:E118,3,FALSE),0) The first 180 odd rows will return 0 but after that some shouldnt
Solved by G. H. in 29 mins
I have created a data Validation drop down list out of a list of companies. I would like to know if I can use VLOOKUP to auto populate a list based on the selection of a previous list
Solved by C. E. in 25 mins
It's a bit complex to describe, but I'll do my best. As a first step, I created a simple vlookup function where a cell is populated with content based on the choice a user makes in another cell via a dropdown list. That works fine, but the content is not just one other cell. It is several cells. The situation is that there are two lists that have a relation. When you select something from group A, then there are several items from group B that are related to that item you chose in group A. So I am trying to show what those related items are. So the vlookup works fine, but only when displaying a single cell item.
Solved by C. F. in 12 mins
I have a list of members, their dependents and everyone's date of birth. Each family has 1 unique identifying number. I need to assign the member's date of birth to each dependent under that identifying number (in essence giving the dependent the member's date of birth). The number of dependents will vary per member. I have tried countif vlookup, match, index but am stuck.
Solved by K. Y. in 27 mins
I am doing a VLookup to a shared workbook. It works for a while but then randomly starts returning the values as a #REF! indicating the link is broken. When I check the status of the link it says it is okay.
Solved by Z. A. in 21 mins
Hi, I need to remove the list of Ids on Sheet 3 from the column C on Sheet 1. I know I need to use VlookUp but I can't seem to work it out. Can you help out with this? Thanks!
Solved by B. F. in 11 mins
I was just talking to someone here about using a drop down menu to pick a company name and then using vlookup to bring over that specific companys' address in the cell below and the phone # in the cell below the address. He answered my question and it was great but when I tried to do the same thing on my computer it didn't work
Solved by F. F. in 13 mins
problem with vlookup - the formula is working on fine. When I copy it to another cell its not working. But if I type it manually then everything is fine.
Solved by S. H. in 17 mins
Is there a way to perform vlookup for multiple condition?
Solved by T. S. in 14 mins
This is the formula "=IF(ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP(RC[-1],NSW!C1,1,0)),NSW!R2C6,IF(ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP(RC[4],NSW!C2,1,0)),NSW!R2C7,""))" Its working fine. I have the list of states with its local holidays, I need to add a condition to this formula, for EG if = "NSW" then it refers to NSW sheet and do the above function, ROWS and Columns are same for all the states
Solved by E. A. in 26 mins