Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
Requesting vlookup:
Use Sheet1/Column A to do an exact match to Sheet2/ColumnA and return
Sheet2/ColumnA and Sheet2/ColumnB to Sheet1/ColumnB and Sheet2/ColumnC.
Use Sheet1/Column A to do an similar match to Sheet2/ColumnA and return
Sheet2/ColumnA and Sheet2/ColumnB to Sheet1/ColumnD and Sheet2/ColumnE.
Solved by Z. S. in 13 mins
I have Product Activated Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 and want to know why I can't filter on more than 10,000 unique items? I have over 68,000 lines and after a Vlookup, I want to see the result of the error from period to period. It says, I can only see 10,000 lines at a time
Solved by A. Y. in 17 mins
Add a formula to cell G4 that creates a Report ID from the date and the ID number on the ListData worksheet of the person who made the report. The IF function will include a TEXT function and a nested IF function with a VLOOKUP function.
The logical test will verify if cell G2 is greater than 0.
The value if true will include the TEXT and VLOOKUP functions: TEXT(G2,"YYYYMMDD"),"")&" "&IF(G1>0,VLOOKUP(G1,ListData!B15:C19,2)
The value if false will return blank.
Solved by E. A. in 13 mins
Help with =if(isna(vlookup(A3,Macro!A:L,12,0)),"",vlookup(A3,Macro!A:L,12,0))
Solved by B. B. in 20 mins
Vlookup is acting funny and F9 isn't fixing the problem. I need the names from sheet 2 to fill in on Sheet 1 where the stores match up in column one of both sheets.
Solved by A. J. in 26 mins
I have win/loss columns for player stats and I need help using rank and percentile data analysis tool......I want to be able to pull up the player name using vlookup next to the rank and percentile table but I don't know how to do that; please and thank you!
Solved by K. S. in 11 mins
Need help with vlookup function and can you help me with how to calculate percentile the data analysis tool
Solved by X. J. in 30 mins
vlookup to for DEGREE column, I need to have No on all rows even if the question_nbr is only on ID=142
Solved by S. Y. in 11 mins
how to save a vlookup table datasheet without table attached
Solved by V. H. in 15 mins
Good afternoon
I have reworded below for you
In date sheet
I type in a drivers rego in row S
then row R and Row T vlookup looks at row S
and uses drivers sheet and added the name and phone number
I would like so when I type in a rego and 2 drivers have the same rego
a data validation shows up so I can pick which which driver should be listed with there phone number
if you need to take longer time I am more then willing to pay for 2/3 sessions
fixing this problem I have will greatly help