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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Trying to grab text from one cell and add onto it
Solved by X. H. in 14 mins
I need a vlookup formula that will work when the two compared columns are different formats. One is General and the other is text.
Solved by V. L. in 19 mins
I need to split text to columns and don't see the text to column feature in excel online. Is that not available online? Or is it in a different place in the menu now?
Solved by S. J. in 14 mins
I am using the map chart function on Excel and certain text wont show on one of the states as the shape size is too small. How do I make it so that I can read the full text on the state instead of "4..."
Solved by F. H. in 12 mins
I would like to add suggestive text to a cell so that a user will know what to input into a cell.
Solved by E. E. in 15 mins
In cell Q3, nest the existing VLOOKUP function in an IFERROR function. If the VLOOKUP function returns an error result, the text “Invalid Staff ID” should be displayed by the formula.
Solved by A. H. in 13 mins
Hi - I need to add text after the result of a formula.... Example - I want to run a formula and have it read 12,000 SF instead of just 12,000. How do I add the "SF" text?
Solved by T. U. in 30 mins
Click the Wait Time worksheet and enter a function in cell F6 that calculates the wait time value of the first quartile. In the Cell 'F6' of Sheet 'Wait Time', the 'Formula Function Name Text' was not set as per instruction.
Solved by S. H. in 13 mins
I need a formula to separate the type of a column when cells contain different text.
Solved by I. Y. in 23 mins
When using Excel 365 and selecting a Cell to Insert Text the Color of the Border is Green. I want to Enhance the Border and Make it Wider and then Also Change the Color. Then when using Tab the next Box would have the same Wide Border and the new Color (not Green). I can't find any instructions anywhere that deals with these changes/
Solved by D. A. in 17 mins