So here is my issue. I'm using excel to calculate out the debt service that I need to support a hypothetical development, and the sumif function doesn't seem to want to work given the formulas I've setup.
So the debt service is a basic amortization table debt service table over 25 years. But for the development I only need to be worried about the debt service on the loan through the period that I'm doing the development. In this case 8 months of the 25 year time frame.
To get the schedule I setup a schedule that returns period dates based on the month and year. I think referenced that date using the following function:
=INDEX('Project Schedule'!$1:$1,MATCH(G4,'Project Schedule'!$2:$2))+1
This references the months in Row 2, and returns the Period Value in Row 1. In this case returning the value of 14.
but when I use a basic SumIf function to sum the total cost of the payments into the loan, it returns a "zero" value.
Here is my sumif function SUMIF(A10:A410,"<=F4",G10:G410)
Now if I just replace F4 with the value 14 it works and calculates correctly, but if I reference the cell F4 it returns a zero value.
My only thought is that the Index function screws this up, and doesn't actually return a number value.
Your thoughts?
Solved by K. H. in 22 mins