Hello, I need excel help with this formula. I need this formula to work in a manner that whatever number is placed in a range it will automatically convert to it's allocated value based on the percentile range it lands in.
1. IF (Value) is > 80% of (selected range), value = 5
2. IF (Value) is > 60% of (selected range) but < 80% of (selected range), value = 4
3. IF (Value) is > 40% of (selected range) but < 60% of (selected range), value = 3
4. IF (Value) is > 20% of (selected range) but < 40% of (selected range), value = 2
5. IF (Value) is < 20% of (selected range), value = 1
Essentially the formula should reflect as such, The top 20% of a selected range will receive 5pts. Players that fall within the top 80% will receive 4pts. Players that fall within the top 60% will receive 3pts, while players that fall within the top 40% will receive 2pts. Finally, players who are in the bottom 20% will only receive a point. This rule should apply to both formula of which one provides results for the top testing times for speed related test categories and the top testing results for power related test categories
Solved by G. S. in 27 mins