You are a financial analyst for Williamston Widgets, Inc. The company’s 401(k) provider, the National Bank of Southeast Haslett, has been fired by your CEO for not providing adequate reports to plan participants. She has entrusted you with putting together a workbook with a dashboard that has the following features:
1. A table of all of the 401(k) plan’s available mutual funds, sorted by asset class and style category, that shows the following data points: Fund name, ticker symbol, style category, standard deviation, category rank for the past 1, 3 and 5 years, and expense ratio.
2. Create a Combo Box that contains each available fund, and displays the following data for the fund along with its category average: Fund name, ticket symbol, style category, performance for the past 1, 3 and 5 years, standard deviation, and expense ratio.
Solved by K. H. in 17 mins