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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Hi there, To Create a Searchable Drop Down List Just Like Google Search also I need to create many combo boxes for same data. please give me some information
Solved by D. B. in 27 mins
i am working in a large file and i want to extract data out of cells which are not in same format nor in same order i know mid right left etc and tried many combinations its not working need some help as data is not formatted i even cant do search dont know what to do
Solved by A. F. in 29 mins
I need a formula that analyzes data reported through a system that provides Y, N, & n/a responses. I need a yes or no formula that tell me if the string of Y, N, & n/a's contains any Ns. I've attempted using this formula (=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("N",D6:M6)), "Yes", "No")) yet it doesn't seem to be fully correct.
Solved by C. D. in 12 mins
I am trying to hyperlink a name on one sheet to the same name on another sheet - but need a formula to search for that data on the second sheet
Solved by C. H. in 27 mins
Private Sub ComboBox3_Change() ComboBox3.Visible = True strSQL = "Select * from schedule where Origin = '" & ComboBox1.Value & "' AND where Destination = '" & ComboBox2.Value & "'" rs.Open strSQL, strConnect, adOpenStatic Do Until rs.EOF ComboBox3.AddItem "Flight" & (rs("FltNumber") & rs("Origin") & "to" & rs("Destination")) rs.MoveNext Loop rs.Close Set rs = Nothing End Sub This is what I have so far, but basically I need the code to search through the database and find where Origin and Destination equals what the user plugged in for the previous two boxes
Solved by F. J. in 26 mins
I need a function to find a value in another sheet. This sheet contains three columns, the first one has a bunch of numbers but a certain number might be repeated the second column has also the same thing. I want excel to search in the fist column and if it's found then it should search in the second column and find the value that corresponds to the first column and based in these two found values it should pull the value in the third column.
Solved by A. A. in 19 mins
Search thru Column H and Column I, and IF the cell CONTAINs STRING A, STRING B, OR STRING C, return VALUE 1 OR if cell CONTAINs String D, String E, OR STRING F, return VALUE 2, OR if cell CONTAINs String G, OR String H, return VALUE 3 Otherwise, return UNKNOWN.
Solved by T. H. in 22 mins
MY QUESTION IS ABOUT: Fixing Formulas DESCRIPTION: Search thru Column H and Column I, and IF the cell CONTAINs STRING A, STRING B, OR STRING C, return VALUE 1 OR if cell CONTAINs String D, String E, OR STRING F, return VALUE 2, OR if cell CONTAINs String G, OR String H, return VALUE 3 Otherwise, return UNKNOWN.
Solved by M. H. in 20 mins
I need to search in a cell and have excel show a list of items that include the searched text. Part of it is done actually but I need help showing everyone.
Solved by T. D. in 26 mins
I am trying to Populating table (in “Track” tab) using if function… As you would notice this Table as couple of “Do not fill” I want your help in changing the formula such that …..instead of saying do not fill..I would like it to search next awarded project and populate that
Solved by M. H. in 28 mins