Col 1, Col 2, Col3, Col4, Col 5 etc
Row 1 = Name, Date 1, Date 2, Date 3, Date 4 etc
Row 2 = Name1, 82, number, number, number etc
Row 3 = Name2, number, 82, number, number etc
I am wanting a summary Cell based on todays date that can be used to select the name of a person with a certain number.
So the formula uses the same row references but the column reference will change relative to Today().
So, when Today is Date 1, Name 1 would display as it has 82 in one of the cells. If today was Date 2 then Name 2 would display as it has 82.
I'm looking at Index Match but i don't know how to make the range dynamic in this way
Solved by I. B. in 17 mins