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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I have an existing Pivot Table of Sales Data. Item ID is a filter, but not visible in my table. I have a separate workbook with Item ID, Class A, Class B. I want to "unpivot" VLOOKUP to get Class A & Class B columns into Table Data (by Item ID), and then recreate the Pivot Table.
Solved by M. J. in 15 mins
I'm trying to calculate the standard deviation for an average that I've calculated in a pivot table
Solved by D. C. in 11 mins
How can I calculate standard deviation in a pivot table?
Solved by O. B. in 30 mins
How can I calculate the standard deviation for an average in a pivot table?
Solved by C. B. in 22 mins
how do I compute some of the totals in pivot table if a value of another field no showing in the pivot table is equal to a certain value
Solved by A. D. in 12 mins
Hi, I am trying to figure out why one column of my table is not showing up in my pivot table. I would need help with that.
Solved by K. L. in 16 mins
Have a Pivot table with two values X & Y displayed as "Sum of X" and "Sum of Y". I need to add a calculated field which gives me % "Sum of Y"/Row Total "Sum of X".
Solved by B. C. in 13 mins
I use pivot tables frequently. It drives me more than a bit crazy that I have to change the "sum" or "count" calculation to "average" manually, one at a time, for dozens of columns of data. Is there any way to have "average" be my default calculation? If not, when might that happen?? Thanks in advance!
Solved by O. J. in 13 mins
Can you add brand slicer to dashboard like the one in the pivot table?
Solved by O. C. in 29 mins
I have a spreadsheet that I need to modify. In Sheet 2 there is a Pivot Table that has been created from Sheet 1. In Sheet 2, I need to add the Office Column from Sheet 1 into Sheet 2. A New Column will need to be created to the RIGHT of Column A (The Agent Column) Column should be called Office.
Solved by F. B. in 23 mins