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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need help in establishing conditional formatting in pivot table. I have two sources of data that I am able to import onto two worksheets. The first table has item numbers, width of the item, height of the item, price of the individual item. The 2nd table has the model number, width, height, and total number sold for the year. I am needing a few pivot tables. I need a price grid of individual models by width and height (width is my column, height is my row, filtered by model # - got that far) I need to add a coloring (conditional formatting) to the values by sales. I need another pivot table that can do a grid that can compare the price of the base model to the chosen model.This grid would have a percentage of the difference in price. still with the width in column and the height in the row. Beyond the basic single price grid by size....I am lost
Solved by F. J. in 25 mins
I have a timesheet calculator with hours down the side, each cell representing 1/2 hour, days across the top, and project names/ numbers randomly through the body of the table. I need to calculate the time spent on each project automatically. I have 15 guys submitting weekly timesheets on 20-30 projects, so it would be ideal if I could automate the calculation> I have tried pivot tables, but they are not sorting the information how I would like
Solved by O. J. in 21 mins
Sample Forecast Model with Pivot Tables... this was a previous file I was working on but we ran out of time...
Solved by T. S. in 13 mins
In 2010 pivot tables I have always been able to quickly highlight w/ one color TOTALs, SUB TOTALS now in 2016 i can't do this anymore
Solved by D. D. in 11 mins
What is the importance of using Pivot Tables in Financial Analysis?
Solved by K. W. in 15 mins
I have two separate pivot tables, with the same data source, I want to use a cell value to update filters for different pivot fields from this one cell value. I need to be able to do this same operation on the work sheet for 3 or 4 cells. Filter by Month then year and by customer name.
Solved by Z. B. in 28 mins
I have three different data sources that feed into three different pivot tables, and I need to create a button or drop down that filters all three tables by date at the same time.
Solved by F. S. in 27 mins
I need assistance creating mix of a pivot table and a formula to sort the data I need for that table. You'll see in the file a tab called "Master Pool". This is where all the data will be extracted from. The most important data is column A - Header "Accnum" (this is the data that we'll count in any pivot tables), column O (Header-"Item Type"), and columns V,W,X, and Y (Headers Accessibility (1-4). The resulting report I need has to show the data points in V,W,X, and Y by the data in the column "Item Type". This is the issue I'm having: The data in columns V,W,X, and Y for each accnum is presented in different order, often separated only by a comma. On the tab "A11Y Tag" you'll see all the available options that can go in each one of these fields. The header on those tabs matches the headers on the "master pool" tab. The issue is extracting that data for each item in a way that doesn't show overlaps (i.e.- the same data can be in multiple columns), extracting it in a way that ignores the commas and lack of spaces, and the resulting report will be easy to read. The resulting report must also show a percentage breakdown of items with accessibility data/ and those without. This info is easy to get, it's in column T ("Metadata Present?") on the tab "Mast Pool".
Solved by F. J. in 26 mins
Hello! I need to create a report using data from the tab "Master Pool" in this document. You'll see in this document there's a header in the tab "Master Pool" called accnum. This is our unique identifiers for this document, and the thing we'll be counting in the final pivot table. There's also headers called "Test", "Measure", and "Item Type". These are what we will use for filters. That above part of the pivot table (and I'm open to this report being expressed in whatever way works, I just chose pivot table because that makes the most sense) is easy. Now here's the issue. What I want to measure in the report is found under the headers Accessibility 1, Accessibility 2, Accessibility 3, and Accessibility 4. Each row has different values for these 4 columns. Each column can have one of a few options for this values (see tab "A11Y Tag Placements"). These values are not presented in the data in any specific order, nor is the data the same across items (For example- In the column Accessibility 1- a row can contain just "Magnification". It could also contain "Magnification" and "ASL".). The issue I'm running into, is that when I try to make my pivot tables, because the info in those cells (Accessibility 1-4) is can change from row to row wildly, but still only has a few set options, what I get is all the permutations of what those values can be arranged as for values. What I need (please see tab "A11Y Placements") is the actual values of those fields extracted, and total counts for each values in the way I've presented them on tab "A11Y Placements". I then need to be able to filter down these counts using the filters "Test", "Measure", and "Item Type".
Solved by X. D. in 21 mins
files wont save text correctly, I redo the text that doesn't save then re-save under an .xlsx file. Upon reopening, all text reverts back to the unsaved text. I tried opening and repairing the file, which does work, but upon opening again after saving it reverts back to the corrupted file. Please just help me. VBA Macros formulas pivot tables chart other
Solved by E. W. in 15 mins