I need assistance creating mix of a pivot table and a formula to sort the data I need for that table. You'll see in the file a tab called "Master Pool". This is where all the data will be extracted from. The most important data is column A - Header "Accnum" (this is the data that we'll count in any pivot tables), column O (Header-"Item Type"), and columns V,W,X, and Y (Headers Accessibility (1-4).
The resulting report I need has to show the data points in V,W,X, and Y by the data in the column "Item Type".
This is the issue I'm having: The data in columns V,W,X, and Y for each accnum is presented in different order, often separated only by a comma. On the tab "A11Y Tag" you'll see all the available options that can go in each one of these fields. The header on those tabs matches the headers on the "master pool" tab.
The issue is extracting that data for each item in a way that doesn't show overlaps (i.e.- the same data can be in multiple columns), extracting it in a way that ignores the commas and lack of spaces, and the resulting report will be easy to read.
The resulting report must also show a percentage breakdown of items with accessibility data/ and those without. This info is easy to get, it's in column T ("Metadata Present?") on the tab "Mast Pool".
Solved by F. J. in 26 mins