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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

i have column of zone codes that i want, and data relating to many zone codes, i would like to match the data will the zone codes i need
Solved by O. H. in 28 mins
I need assistance in adding a "date picker" calendar to my spreadsheet
Solved by K. C. in 13 mins
Hi, I'm a (very) old timer trying to learn a little about VBA to keep my mind alert! The aim of the project is to help people with memory problems by sending email reminders when actions become due. Problem: Loss of formatting in email (Outlook) via Excel VBA & Office 2010. All help sites consulted but to no avail. The limiting factor is probably my lack of expertise! I've unashamedly copied piece of code from others and my sole remaining problem is formatting. Happy to send code. Would be exceedingly grateful for any help please.
Solved by B. W. in 27 mins
I am having trouble typing in the formula y1=+or- ω√(|Vo|/|VR|)^2 -1 in the cell fellow cell Gs example of the formula. i already have cells with Vo VR and ω defined so that i can just click on them to include them into the formula but i dont see how to type in the formula correctly.
Solved by X. F. in 15 mins
i would like the formula to get a percent of the value in a column. if the value in line 100 E is 100 what formula do i use to get 110 percent in line 100F
Solved by S. A. in 16 mins
I am wondering if I am able to combine 3 cells together to make a time. For example I have separate cells saying "2" "50" and "PM" but I want a formula to put them together to say "14:50". Is this possible? I have uploaded this example only, due to privacy reasons.
Solved by Z. Y. in 16 mins
Current formulas =if (b2="Medicare", b2+14, b2+30) =if (c2<(now()), "Expired", "Received") The last column is only showing received the expired ones are not registering
Solved by C. C. in 11 mins
I want to create a circle or square that will color in when I enter a percentage in the cell.
Solved by C. H. in 23 mins
Two documents that need to merge into one. Same long list of people in Column 1, but Document 1 is LAST FIRST, and Document 2 is FIRST LAST. I need to get the statistics from both docs merged into one without manual entry.
Solved by I. Y. in 20 mins
Enter a function in cell H12, based on the payment and loan details, that calculates the amount of cumulative principal paid on the first payment. Be sure to use the appropriate absolute, relative, or mixed cell references. Enter a reference to the remaining balance of payment 1 in cell B13. Use the fill handle to copy the functions created in the prior steps down to complete the amortization table.
Solved by S. Q. in 25 mins