Set up a simulation to play a dice game with the following rules: (1) A player has three betting choices: below 7, lucky 7, and above 7. (2) The dealer rolls two dice; (3) If the sum of dice faces is below 7 and the player bet below 7, then the player wins $1 for every $1 bet; if the player called above 7 and the sum of dice faces is above 7, then again the player wins $1 for every $1 bet. If the player called lucky 7 and sum of faces is 7 then the player wins $3 for every $1 bet. The player loses his bet if his called bet doesn't match the sum of dice faces. Using one-way data table, simulate 200 trials of this game and determine the win/loss amount for the player who is always betting above 7.
Solved by A. A. in 24 mins