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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Can you help fix the code in this sheet? i have macro that should show highlight the difference between sheet1 and sheet2, on sheet 2 in red. Using A as a lookup column i can figure out why it not finding changes to in the middle. I need it to highlight changes A : AA bu this is missing out F:X Please help?? in anyway
Solved by D. D. in 25 mins
Question for JFred if available. If not, anyone that can help! I am looking to have the first sheet on this spreadsheet be for a customer service rep to lookup a state and have the applicable information be returned in the cells to to the left - Contact Name, Contact Number and Email Address. All of that data is stored on the second sheet of this file. So I need a drop down list of the states added to sheet one (selection) and then a lookup function to find that state on the second sheet and return the contact name, contact number and contact email address.
Solved by O. J. in 11 mins
Not sure how to write an If statement/V lookup or other for the following example; Monday, White, Yes = -20 Monday, Black, No = -10 Tuesday, Blue, Yes = -15 Having 3 variables matching to equal an answer. If Monday, white and yes are all selected in separate cells then -20 becomes the answer. Thanks, Belynda
Solved by D. B. in 12 mins
So I have two tabs. Both have SKU's. I am trying to compare the SKU's from both tabs, and pull the matching qty from the first tab. I've tried VLOOKUP and just LOOKUP but it's not working. Lookup got close, but then put numbers that don't even exist on my first tab.
Solved by S. C. in 21 mins
I need some help with a match is lookup formula.
Solved by F. B. in 11 mins
Need some help with a lookup formula. Checking for 2 values.
Solved by M. W. in 28 mins
I have a report template and I want to be able to link a raw data page to it so that whenever anyone inputs raw data it automatically is populated into the template and organized by project title. I've used If, Search, V lookup, and Isnumber functions and have not been able to get the desired effect. Ex. Page 1 Template with Column Labels: Purple, Blue, Red, Yellow Page 2 Raw Data List: Purple Shoes, Purple Hat, Blue Socks, Red Scarf, Blue Tie etc Page 3 Automatically populates with all the Purples under the Purple column, all the Blues under the Blue column etc. Formula Examples: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH('Goal SLAs'!$E$8,'Raw Data'!$C:$C)),'Raw Data'!C2:C2,IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH('Goal SLAs'!E5,'Raw Data'!C:C)),'Raw Data'!C3,"error")) =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH('Goal SLAs'!E18,'Raw Data'!C:C)),'Raw Data'!C12,"") =VLOOKUP('Goal SLAs'!E8,'Raw Data'!A1:H10,2,TRUE)
Solved by A. C. in 27 mins
I need to create a dynamic input/output tab based on a variety of variables. I need it to by dynamic and lookup certain values based on others and compute a start/end date. I need the processes (input value) to be kept in a prioritized list and allocated evenly over the employees in order to minimize time spent on all of the projects. Any help/advice you can provide would be great!
Solved by O. J. in 16 mins
I need to create a dynamic input/output tab based on a variety of variables. I need it to by dynamic and lookup certain values based on others and compute a start/end date. I need the processes (input value) to be kept in a prioritized list and allocated evenly over the employees in order to minimize time spent on all of the projects. Any help/advice you can provide would be great! I want to populate start/end date in the input tab based on the following criteria: Employee: I want to look up employee based on cells A3:A6 in the same tab, Factor # from B3:B6 in the same tab people per process from the same sheet (D15:D33) And I want to match the people with the process time (I have a separate column for each I want the start date and end date to populate starting with the first one being manually entered (9/1/17) and the 1st process has to be the one with Priority #1. I want the processes to allocate in order and evenly distribute among the employees based on their factor allocation time (For example if it's process # 9, it has priority 7 so it should only be started once all other tasks are assigned with no more tahn 2 tasks assigned per time (want this # 2 to trace to a cell where I can change). So let's say FTE #1 gets the task, the time would be 29 MD from the start date so you;d have to loop it through the excel workday function with holidays included (have an example in resource allocation tab) We also have to consider the constraints of the start/end date for all employees
Solved by T. F. in 13 mins
I have a database in a separate workbook. I want to be able to enter a value in another workbook, which is equal to a particular value in the database, and when I do this I want all values within that row to appear under where I entered the first lookup value. The database is organized under various categories, like names, dates, places, and i want all this information to appear for a specific value I enter.
Solved by B. J. in 27 mins