I have a report template and I want to be able to link a raw data page to it so that whenever anyone inputs raw data it automatically is populated into the template and organized by project title. I've used If, Search, V lookup, and Isnumber functions and have not been able to get the desired effect.
Ex. Page 1 Template with Column Labels: Purple, Blue, Red, Yellow
Page 2 Raw Data List: Purple Shoes, Purple Hat, Blue Socks, Red Scarf, Blue Tie etc
Page 3 Automatically populates with all the Purples under the Purple column, all the Blues under the Blue column etc.
Formula Examples: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH('Goal SLAs'!$E$8,'Raw Data'!$C:$C)),'Raw Data'!C2:C2,IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH('Goal SLAs'!E5,'Raw Data'!C:C)),'Raw Data'!C3,"error"))
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH('Goal SLAs'!E18,'Raw Data'!C:C)),'Raw Data'!C12,"")
=VLOOKUP('Goal SLAs'!E8,'Raw Data'!A1:H10,2,TRUE)
Solved by A. C. in 27 mins