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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I have hi and lo figures, created line chart to show the two sets of data with time line along the X-axis. My data is on three different rows, how do I link them on the chart
Solved by T. E. in 24 mins
Windows 10 phone and pc. Current version office. Have spreadsheet on phone and edit it constantly thru day with no problem. WHY, when I connect phone to pc, does the phone spreadsheet open in READ ONLY? I Enable Edit and then I have to save with a NEW NAME? I don't like this. How do I get rid of that READ ONLY junk?
Solved by K. E. in 16 mins
I am working on an email generator for my team at work. The generator takes information from a sheet in excel and creates an HTML email. Sometimes, they will wish to include an embedded image in their emails. The emails will be generated on one computer using CDO so that "objEmail.From" property can be changed to the desired person. I have not been successful with embedding images in the CDO messages, but have been able to embed images when using the Outlook application instead. Any help with embedded images (that require user input of the file location) would be appreciated.
Solved by O. W. in 17 mins
I need to insert a vertical page break and its not letting me. Its only doing horizontal page breakers how to I fix this?
Solved by D. H. in 27 mins
I have a formula, just Need simple If formula help :)
Solved by V. Q. in 15 mins
in line 5 under Shared travel the formula should show for measure a minus figure of -7.5 saimilarily for fit and then a total of -£15.00 for the total but it doesn't - why how help
Solved by D. C. in 23 mins
need some help with my database and inventory stock formula
Solved by M. J. in 23 mins
i work for a sales company that has 3 commission rates that have certain rules to qualify? i need help creating a excel document
Solved by C. H. in 22 mins
i want to insert images using vba from url in a sheet
Solved by F. F. in 25 mins
i am having 212000 from 40 manufacturers i want to make a list of manufacturer
Solved by X. D. in 20 mins