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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Trying to index match data but the outcome is incorrect
Solved by X. J. in 24 mins
I think I sort of got the gist of the time card calculator formula, I just cant seem to execute it myself. Im trying to make a time card for my employees using the Index and match feature it works but I cant seem to use it to find the clock out amount. It is the same formula as the clock in but the "{}" wont stick. Please help me execute this as I need to deduct the hours.
Solved by I. U. in 27 mins
How do I use excel index match vlookup to do the same thing
Solved by S. Y. in 20 mins
Using Column P (Name + ID) as an Index, I would like to find a matching Name + ID in rows 2-9. Once a match is found, I would like to get the "Entry Fee" value in column D, for the corresponding row, and put it into Column V-AC under the appropriate matching row. I would then like to repeat that and find if that player exists in any other rows and again put corresponding Entry Fee column. After it is all said and done I would like to total all fees (not an issue) and get a percentage of the total fees (not an issue) The gotcha is that some players could appear in multiple columns. QB - could appear in Column E only RB - could appear in Columns F, G, or L WR - could appear in Columns H, I, or L TE - could appear in Columns K or L DST - could appear in Column M only
Solved by G. E. in 12 mins
In cell J10, enter an INDEX function that will convert the Call Day to the actual weekday found in row 1 of the DayofWeek named range. Resize the column width as needed.
Solved by Z. L. in 13 mins
I need help understanding the following formula so i can use it. =IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$A$2:$A$18,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($A$1,Sheet1!$A$2:$A$18)),ROW(Sheet1!$A$2:$A$18)-ROW(Sheet1!$A$2)+1),COLUMNS($N1:N1))),"")
Solved by K. W. in 16 mins
WORKS: =INDEX($C$62:$C$241,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX($C$62:$C$241>0,0,1),0)) =INDEX(ADDRESS(3,M1,4):$C$241,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(ADDRESS(3,M1,4):$C$241>0,0,1),0)) trying to use cell M1 result as row number for $C$M1:$C$241 in both places ADDRESS does not work
Solved by G. D. in 23 mins
Hi, i have 2 spreadsheets that have different information but of the same people. So there is an ID number for each person in both sheets, but different information that they filled out at different time points. However, at some point, people dropped out between timepoints A and B. I am trying to combine those 2 sheets together and I have been using individual v-lookup functions, but I think index and match is a much better, quicker option (there are literally 100's of columns of answers from each person). I've been trying functions after watching youtube videos but I'm still having a hard time.
Solved by X. Q. in 13 mins
I need help with a formula. I have two sheets one sheet needs to populate the job name, address, job number and amount of hours (all within the same row) based on the hours entered in the column (within the same row). I have tried if statements with vlookups with Index and match formulas...nothing works
Solved by F. C. in 11 mins
I have solved a problem here with someone but when i am implementing the formula on my excel 2016 professional i am getting error, There is a problem with the formula not trying to type the formula the formula i have written is same as provided by your support tech, and it is working fine on the above link i provided for google sheet.. so i am wondering why it is showing error on my excel installed on my laptop. The error is on this formula =INDEX(Sheet6!$D3:$D, SMALL(IF($B$3=Sheet6!E:E, ROW(Sheet6!E:E)-ROW($A$3)+1), ROW(1:1))) and i found the error is on array provided INDEX(Sheet6!$D3:$D as it is focusing on $ any solution pleaase
Solved by X. F. in 12 mins