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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

How do I get the following into formula? If and column A,B & C = 100% or higher column E = column D (sum of A,B&C) if column D =100% or higher otherwise is 0.00
Solved by I. W. in 24 mins
I'm using an IF AND FORMULA in column O based on certain criteria. I need to add additional criteria (if have have >0% royalty) in column J to the nested IF AND array formula, but I'm receiving the error message of too many arguments. This is my current formula: =IF(AND(M8>=$L$2,M8<$M$2),N8*$N$2,IF(AND(M8>=$M$3),N8*$N$3,IF(AND(M8<$M$1),N8*$N$1))) This is what I tried and got the error message: =IF(AND(J8>0,M8>=$L$2,M8<$M$2),N8*$N$2,0,IF(AND(J8>0,M8>=$M$3),N8*$N$3,0,IF(AND(M8<$M$1),N8*$N$1)))
Solved by I. H. in 15 mins
just need to make it easier to match data across columns... index? match, if ands?
Solved by C. A. in 17 mins
use of IF and ISBLANK formula to return different values
Solved by S. H. in 21 mins
So I am trying to create a Vacancy calendar that i can use to compile automatically and distribute the available vacancy week (max 3 employee in vacancy during the same week) Here my idea: B5,H5,O5 etc ... are the Week # the employee must choose. for B6,H6,O6 etc... i used =COUNTIF and take the data from a table where each employee made their choice On the table, the choice 1 is the one that shall be used if there are 3 or less employee that chose it, If there is more than 3 people who chose it, the second choice will instead be used and the 1 choice should be eliminated. I am struggling to find a solution on how the code can determine the priority of employee, cause the older employee will alway have priority over the newer employee.
Solved by E. J. in 30 mins
Hello, I am trying to create a pivot table that shows the overall trends of people's performance in an organization over the 5 years' worth of data we have accumulated. We are analyzing their performance via a survey that was sent to them. The issue is that sometime years people respond to surveys whereas others do not and that sometimes they answer a questions whereas other years they do not. I need to create a pivot sheet that shows if and how people are improving over the years for those who have answered the survey more than once. Can you help me with this? Thank you.
Solved by V. H. in 18 mins
Trying to add columns with an if and then. For example 0,0,1 - 1 0,0,0 - 0 1,1,1 - 1 etc.
Solved by Z. A. in 29 mins
Need help with if and then =IF(H4=1,IF(S4=".",0,IF(OR(S4<6,S4>28),0,IF(AND(S4>=6,S4<=28),1,0))),0)
Solved by I. J. in 28 mins
Need help with if and then formula 0,0,1 = 1 0,0,0 = 0 1,1,1 = 1 1,0,1 = 1
Solved by S. J. in 24 mins
I have a column on names (A) and a column of phone numbers (B). Now I want to sort these people by country but the only information I have on their country is the area code in front of the numbers. So I, therefore, have a list of area codes. I am wondering if I import the area code list onto excel, if and how I could create some sort of formula which would sort them for me. For example, something like "IF contains +33 " but I'd also need the names to stay with their corresponding number. Hope you can help, thanks
Solved by V. H. in 17 mins